Chapter 24

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I tilt my head to the side trying to grasp what has happened to my life. How messed up it is, and wondering how I even ended up in this mess. Not once in my life have I ever thought that I would be held some where against my will.

Peter looks at me with a blank face, probably anxious about how I'll react, hell, I'm anxious about how I'll react. I push past him and stride to the front door, just as I'm about to touch the door knob the black curtain appears again blocking it. I turn and walk to a window, just as I'm about to touch it, to yank it open his shadow blocks the window.

I nod my head as the reality of what Peter said hits me like an elephant stampede. I begin to feel more and more rage flow in my veins with every step I take closer to that boy. I burst into the room ready to yell the sense back into him when he says "are you mad yet". Completely caught off guard by his question I was about to say 'hell yea I'm mad' when something occurs to me.

He wants me to be mad. But, why? I'm not the type of person you want mad at you. I made people's lives miserable back in New York simply because I had the means to do so. Horrible, I know, but it's one of the things my reputation is built on. And Peter must know that. If he knows what's in my closet, down to the orange sock in the far corner, he must know about my reputation in New York. He must know I'm the type of person to hurt you(emotionally, physically, or mentally) if you make me angry enough, so what's he trying to prove?

I start to walk to Peter, when I reach him I walk around him, like a stylist would do to a person after a make over, trying to figure out what's going on inside his gorgeous head. Then it hits me: he's trying to make sure I care. I won't hurt Peter; not because I can't but because I won't. I care for him, and you don't hurt the people you care about out of anger. As long as I care for him, I won't hurt him; and he knows this. He's using my emotions against me. Well, two can play at this game.

I come around and face him completely. Looking into his inquisitive jade colored eyes I finally answer his question "nope". I watch as something only identified as shock flashes in his eyes before I turn around and walk out of the room. I'm in the living room long enough to pick up a velvet bound book and settle on the couch before he emerges from the room. I can see he's trying to mask the confusion I've caused in his head, but he's failing miserably.

He sits next to me on the couch "so you're really not mad?"

"Not at all" I answer, and it's the truth. I'm not mad, enraged; yes. Furious; of course, but not mad. If I show him I'm not mad it's the equivalent of not caring, because it shows I don't think it's important enough to even waste my anger on.

I continue to read my book, which is basically a history on how Neverland came to be, as Peter continues to stare at me. I can tell it's driving him crazy that I'm not going ballistic and yelling at him like I usually would, because it makes him think I don't care any more, and that's all the revenge I need. I smile inwardly as I think 'I'm not going to make a very good Persephone'.

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