Chapter 45

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It's been about four days since I ended things with Niko, and so far so good. I've been teaching Felix and Peter as much urban culture as possible before the first day of school. I don't know how they got enrolled, but they did, I should be more concerned about it but I'm not.

My alarm goes off at 5:30, making me groan and hit my nightstand several times before hitting my phone. I roll out of bed lazily and shuffle to Peter's room. He looks so peaceful in his sleep, I almost feel bad for waking him up. Almost. I grab a pillow and smack him in the face with it twice, he wakes up startled, kicking his feet, and whipping his head back and forth.

When his gaze lands on me I simply say "go wake up Felix and get ready. Breakfast at 6:30 and we leave at 7:00". I turn and walk away as I hear him mumble "well, good morning to you too". I drag myself back to my room and get myself ready. After taking a shower and curling my hair, I walk out of the bathroom. I feel really gloomy for some reason, and I don't know why.

I walk into my closet and grab something black automatically, causing me to remember why I'm so gloomy. I move my arm towards the rack, about to put the black high low dress with sequined daisies back, when a thought occurs to me and I put it on with a huff.

I shuffle to my jewelry drawers and snatch my pearl necklace and my J. Crew gem pearl earrings. I put them on along with my black and white Chanel ballerina flats. I grab my leather bag and walk downstairs to the kitchen. I sit at the island as Ida, our chef, sets my breakfast in front of me. "Thanks Ida" I say as I grab my fork.

My parents walk in as I start on my last pancake "good morning, sweet heart", mom says as she places a kiss on my forehead, "you look very nice today, but why so much black?" I look at my father as I say "I'm mourning the death of summer?" He gives me a warning look "don't lie to your mother. She'll understand", Ida hands my parents each a cup of coffee "I'll understand what?"

Peter and Felix walk in and I get distracted by Peter's outfit. He's only wearing jeans and a sweater, but my Lord! I've never seen a guy look so hot in a sweater{pun not intended}. The sweater outlines almost every muscle of his upper body and-"Camilla!"

"Huh" I say whipping my head towards my mom. "Stop drooling and answer my question". Peter chuckles as he sits next to me, rubbing his hand on the small of my back. "What question" I ask distractedly, "oh my goodness, she wears black on the first day of school every year to mourn your death" my father explains. My mom looks at me for a moment and I look back "the pearls" she says as a tear rolls down her cheek.

I hop out of my seat and rush to her side "I'm sorry mom, I'll go change". She wipes her tears "no, no. You can't. Everyone still thinks I'm dead. You shouldn't be sorry, I should. For putting you through all of that." I give her a forgiving smile and hug her, which is when I realize what she's wearing. "Why are you all dressed up?"

She has on a black pencil skirt, white blouse, and heels. She smiles "I have an interview for my old job at the hospital". I raise my eyebrows, "no they don't know it's me" she says rolling her eyes, "go get your jacket. It's cold outside." I run upstairs and grab my jacket along with Peter's and Felix's. When I get back downstairs I look at the time "we better get going". I shrug on my jacket and grab my bag as Peter says "I'm barely done."

"Should have thought of that while you were taking forever getting ready" I respond grabbing my keys and tossing the boys their jackets. "That wasn't my fault, it was Felix's. It takes a herd of elephants to wake him up" he says walking behind me towards the garage. "Not true. You spent it trying to find what to wear, so you could impress Camilla" Felix defends as we pile into the Mercedes.

"It was worth it" Peter says winking at me. I roll my eyes as I start the car and back out. The forty five minute car ride is spent arguing which one of the boys would have a failing grade first, which ended indecisively. I park the car and climb out leading them to the office of Sterling Academy for the Elite to get their schedules. There are kids in uniforms walking all over the place, I'm so glad I don't have to wear those hideous things ever again, now that I'm a senior. I pull out my phone so I can compare schedules with them when I see several texts from Robin, Jasmine, and Luna. I send them a text telling them where I am before comparing schedules with Felix and Peter.

My Lovely Lost Girl- A Peter Pan{Robbie Kay} FanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin