Chapter 22

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Shout out to Just__Paige for making the beautiful new cover!! Thank you again!!

I don't know what I'm doing. On my knees next to an impaled Peter who's holding onto his life by strands; I feel like I'm about to go crazy. I scan Peters body and realize the color is starting to fade from his cheeks and fingers. I grab the sword and barley move it when some blood comes rushing out. No, no, no I just made this so much worse!

I try to stop the blood by using my hands but it doesn't help. I can just imagine how I look right now; kneeling beside a half dead body, tears rushing down my cheeks, and blood on my hands. "Camilla" Charming starts to say before I look at him with so much hatred and disgust that he pales and puts his hands up in an innocent way.

"Who did it" I ask getting off my knees and facing them. They all look around like they didn't hear me "WHO DID IT" I yell and it seems like my voice was amplified because it thunders off the trees and they cover their ears. "I did it" says Emma stepping forward. My eyes zero in on her, and it's like all the respect and admiration I had for her disappears and all I want to do is squash her.

"Why?! You promised you wouldn't hurt him" I yell in her direction, "he has my son" she responds. "And killing him is what's going to bring your son back", I ask incredulously, "well where is he?! Do you see Henry here?! Because all I see is someone dying because you couldn't control yourself!"

"Camilla" I hear Peter say weakly from behind me. I turn and kneel back beside him putting both my hands on either side of his face. "Peter" I say, he looks so weak and pale. He winces from the pain before saying "well I didn't see that coming", he looks down at his abdomen where the sword is sticking out before saying "that's going to leave a nasty scar", he looks at my tear stained face before asking "do you like scars?" I shake my head not understanding how he can be so calm when he's about to die. I mean he has a fucking sword in his stomach!!

"What are you talking about? This is not the time to be joking around! You're about to die" I say in shock. "Well, if I am going to die I'd rather go seeing your beautiful smile than your tear stained cheeks. Now answer my question" he says. I crack a smile and answer "yes, they're very sexy" he smiles a little, and his eyes flutter. I move my hand to his wrist in a panic feeling his pulse weaken by the second.

He opens his eyes, fully realizing he only has a little time left before saying "Camilla I need you to listen to me. I'm sorry for.......for everything. I was trying to not be like your father but in the process I became him, and I'm so sorry" he takes in a breath with a lot if struggle "Peter you're not like my father" I say smiling, and he's not. He came to save me, and is about to die because of it. My dad didn't even attempt to stop those guys from taking my mother. He smiles peacefully and then his eyes light up as if he just remembered something and says "Camilla I won't die if you go get the mer-.... mer-" his eyes begin to flutter close as his pulse stops.

"Peter", I ask shaking his head, "the mer what" I yell at his lifeless face. I cry into his chest, and not feeling his heart beat makes it so much worse. My heart is so empty, and I feel the exact same pain I felt when I found out my mom had died. Except this time it's worse, because it's all my fault. If I hadn't decided to help these people Peter wouldn't be dead. "Camilla", says Emma, "we can help."

I look up at her in bewilderment and say "help? Haven't you helped enough? I expected something like this from Regina, but not from you. I regret the day I decided to help you get Henry back", Emma takes a step back as if I slapped her. Snow steps forward saying "Camilla, we can still help. Regina can-" "NO" I scream waving my hand and pushing forward a gust of wind that sends them flying into the trees. "I said I don't want your help!" I teleport Peters body and I back to the tree house, and begin to pace trying to figure out what Peter was trying to tell me.

Felix comes bursting through the door, and looks between me and Peters body. "What happened" he asks taking a step forward. Something shines in his face and he covers his eyes saying under his breath "that damn chandelier shines too much". I look up at the chandelier and can literally feel the pieces fit together in my head. "Mermaid tears" I yell in excitement and urgency. Felix gives me a weird look before saying "what?"

I run to him hitting his chest frantically saying "Felix, you have to help me get up there", his weird look changes to one of astonishment as he asks "where? On that chandelier? You're crazy. How am I supposed to do that" I think for a second before saying "throw me up there". He looks at me as if I were crazy and says "no. I'm not doing that. You'll break your neck", I grab Felix by his shirt and pull him down until we're face to face "Felix, if you don't help me get up there you're going to need the protection of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit to keep you from my wrath."

Felix's eyes widen before he nods his head. I position Felix with his back to the chandelier and make him intertwine his fingers into a basket. "Ready" I ask him, "as ready as I'll ever be" he responds. I roll my eyes and run towards him. I step into his hand basket and he throws me behind his head towards the chandelier. I stick my hands out, and at the last second grip onto one of the strings. Wow, these strings are strong, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I bring up my other hand and grab onto a near by crystal, bringing it up to my mouth and cutting the string with my teeth.

I look down and realize I'm too high up to just drop down. Felix appears beneath me and say "I've got you" putting his hands up. I smile and let go of the string falling to the ground. Felix catches me and sets me on my feet, "how is that supposed to help" he asks I look down at the crystal in my hand and say "I have no idea." I walk over Peter's lifeless body and pull the sword out of his stomach, blood comes gushing out and instead of using my hand to physically stop it I wave it over the wound and the blood immediately stops. Amazing what you can do with a leveled head.

I kneel next to Peters abdomen and look between the crystal and his wound. I have no idea what to do, then the brilliant idea of just sticking the crystal in the wound comes to my mind. I shrug my shoulders, it's worth a shot. I stick the crystal in his wound, and it just sits there doing nothing. I let out a shaky breath and close my eyes, willing the crystal to do something; anything. If this doesn't work, if this doesn't save him, I'll go crazy. I can't have another person I care about die.

Suddenly I feel the crystal sink down into his wound and I open my eyes to see an extremely bright light shining out of where the wound is. I cover my eyes and hear Peters heart start to beat. I hold his face and say "Peter" in a questioning tone. His eyes flutter open and he says "Camilla" and his voice is very hoarse. I smile and kiss him with so much passion the tree house could have lite on fire. I pull back and hug him running my fingers through his hair. He hugs me back and says "I knew you'd figure it out."

Hey lovelies!!!

So there won't be an update next weekend because my family and I are going to Florida and I doubt I'll run into some wifi sooo.....yea.

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