Chapter 14

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I'm lying in bed listening to some music, and thinking random thoughts when Peter walks in with a happy smile on his face. I sit up and turn off the music "why so happy, Mr. Pan" I ask, he sits on the bed next to me and answers "just happy to see you". I let out a laugh and say "good answer".

He puts his arm around me and I bury myself into him. I feel so safe and at home in his arms; like nothing could hurt me in any way. I take a deep breath and sigh contently, I feel him kiss my forehead. Before I slip into unconsciousness I think I hear him whisper "you're my life now".

I wake up in Peter's arms. Staring at his sleeping face; he looks so cute and at peace I can't believe he kidnapped a little kid. "I know you're staring at me", he says suddenly I bring my hand up and glide my fingers down his cheek until he opens his beautiful green eyes to look at me. He does the same to me and says "you're more beautiful in the morning than you are at night". I give him a weird look because I'm not sure if that's an insult or a compliment. I think it's a mixture of the two; a complisult.

"What" I ask in confusion, "take it any way you want hot stuff", he says kissing my nose, "Now, get up we have a big day ahead of us" he jumps out of bed. I prop myself on my elbows still with that look on my face as I look at him and ask "don't you mean you. As in you have a big day?" He smiles at me like I'm the most cutest naïve thing he's ever seen, "no, I meant what I said sweet heart".

I get out of bed awkwardly{why the hell does he need all these damn sheets and a comforter?? He lives on a forever warm island for Pete's sake!!!} "what do you mean", I ask walking around the bed, "what are we doing?" He gives me a playful smile and says "it's a surprise, but my advice to you is to not wear anything you don't want to get.....damaged" and then he vanishes.

"What?! I'm a girl, I don't want any of my clothes damaged" I yell to an empty room. I shake my head in frustration and head to my closet. I decide to wear some workout clothes since those are a little less important than the others. I take a shower and do all the other essential necessities then head out to the kitchen. "Finally, I thought you'd never come out. Lets go" says Peter getting up and heading towards the door.

"Slow your roll, energizer bunny. I need to eat. I don't know how you keep going but I need some carbohydrates, alright" I say heading towards a cabinet. I hear Peter groan impatiently behind me before he says "fine just hurry up", I pull out my plate of pancakes, bacon, and eggs and turn to him saying "don't tell me what to do. You know I don't do well with authority." I sit down at the island and begin to eat.

He walks up to the opposite side of the island and leans on it; staring at me. "You look cute in your little workout get-up" he says smiling cutely at me. I shallow the bite of bacon before saying "thanks pancake". He raises an eyebrow in amusement before asking "pancake", I smile and nod saying "yup. Say hello to your new pet name". He smiles shaking his head and says "please don't call me that in front of any body. I have a reputation to keep", I smile, getting up with my empty plate, and turn around before saying "I'm not making any promises".

After washing my plate Peter grabs my hand and leads me outside to the clearing. If this is his surprise, I'm going to back hand him. He turns to me and says "so I bet you're wondering what we're doing", I tilt my head and give him a 'nah, really' look. He's beginning to work my nerves with all this stalling. "Ok, calm down", he says with an amused smile on his face I can't believe he thinks this is funny, "what we're doing isss......I'm going to teach you magic".

I scratch my eyebrow and look around. He has got to be kidding. Who does he think I am? The daughter of the fairy godmother?? "You're kidding, right" I ask looking at him, he shakes his head "no. You're kidding", I say like I didn't see him shake his head, "How do you think this is going to work? I'm not some magical being. I'm normal. I was born to work my bones off not flick my wrist and make things happen". He shakes his head and says "that may be the case on earth, but you've seem to have forgotten where you are."

My Lovely Lost Girl- A Peter Pan{Robbie Kay} FanficWhere stories live. Discover now