52 - Help?

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Kassie's POV

We walked into the library and found the others there. Jean told us that she wanted to talk but didn't mention that everyone else would be present. It had been two days, and the only people who believed us so far were Nova,Venus and Peter. I sat down and realised that Queen Alexia wasn't present.

"We called you here today so that we can clear things up. First I'll start by apologizing. I went inside your minds and I'm sorry if I invaded your privacy, "Bruce started to explain. "Sally isn't a spy. She's definitely on our side. Her brother, King Jerome, decided to help us by spying on Katherine. She couldn't tell us because she was afraid of Katherine finding out through her spies."

"I'm sorry I was rude to you the other day. I just didn't want my brother to be exposed like that."

"I should not have so quick to judge you ,"I replied before we exchanged smiles.

"Corey was also right regarding Queen Alexia. Look Andrew, I know she is your mother but something happened when Katherine came to visit."

"What makes you think that?" Andrew furiously asked Jean. I've never seen him this angry before. Maybe he had a hangover or something?

"Because, Astorians are warriors. Your mother is ranked the best female warrior in the kingdom. Doesn't it seem weird for anyone to practise magic in Astoria?"

"What Jean is trying to say here is that the queen has some kind of powerful mind block that even I can't go through. The energy is as strong as the one we encountered back in Utopia,"Bruce  concluded.

"But the energy back in Utopia was from Katherine, right?"Peter inquired.

"Yes, which makes us believe that when Katherine came to talk to Queen Alexia, something else happened and until we get rid of the mind block we won't know for certain, "Jean replied. She might have put the Queen under a magic spell. "Right now, we need everyone to reunite and play along with her. Don't act all suspicious and don't worry about the truth, Bruce and I will take care of it," she added. Andrew excused himself and walked out.

"I'll talk to him," Eva assured me and ran after him. Everyone started leaving and when I was about to go, Bruce told me to stay.

"We need you to help us,"he said right after everyone else had gone. "The only thing that makes Katherine vulnerable is Pixie magic. Her powers weaken when she tries to use them in places where pixies are present,"he added.

"We need the pixies' help but there is a problem. The Pixie Queen had a very good relationship with your mother and they were also hit hard by her death. They went into hiding to mourn and unfortunately they never came out. That's why when we retreated to their forest they weren't even present,"Jean explained.

"We want to send you to the forest, interact with them for a while and ask for their help. They need to know that you want to take back the throne and continue the legacy that your mother left. Besides, you resemble your mother and it will be easier for them to believe you." I was finally going to meet a real Pixie. This is a childhood dream come true.


The place was quiet. Bruce wanted me to wear a royal gown but I told him I was fine with my mom jeans. Are they sure they teleported me to the right place? I looked around but saw nothing. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my arm before I suddenly went numb and fell on the ground.

"It's just for security reasons, princess. No hard feelings," a Pixie stood in front of my nose and said. I felt my eyelids getting heavier before I  finally passed out.

Andrew's POV

"We have to stick together. It might not be what it seems Andrew."

"Corey must have dragged Jean and Bruce into his lies. He has some scores with me and this is how he wants to settle them."

"Oh my goodness, this is why Kassie doesn't like putting up with you these days. You are always jealous and it doesn't look good on you. If things didn't work out for the both of you before, you should just let it be and focus on how things could go back to the way they were in the beginning."

"Now how should I that oh great one when she spends every freaking minute of the day with that jerk. Look, thanks for trying to help me but I'm fine, "I told her before opening the door. "I need to sleep so that this hangover stops bugging me."

"I can't believe you are still going out with the guards to drink. I'll get you a remedy for that, Hazel taught me how to make it. Don't lock the door," she ordered before walking out. Everything was getting into my head and it wasn't fun at all. Kassie was mad at me for betraying her and choosing Bella but I was under a spell! A freaking spell. How am I supposed to correct things that I did when I wasn't even in control of my mind?

Kassie's POV

I opened my eyes and found myself on a chair. The Pixie who was with me at the forest was standing beside me, the only difference is that he was taller than before, like human size tall.

"Oh finally you are awake. The princess is handling some important business but she'll be here in a few minutes,"he said.

"How did you get so tall?"

"I didn't get tall, silly. You just shrunk to Pixie size."

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