13 - Camping trip

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My phone suddenly rang and I woke up. It was a text message from my mum, informing me that Lucia will be spending her weekend with Kassie. This means that she won't be coming for the retreat. No! I'll be stuck with Bella the whole time. I tried to move but realised that Kassie fell asleep on my left arm. She looks quite peaceful like this. They told me that destiny would bring us together, and it did. She opened her eyes and they met mine. I don't know why she didn't care that I slept with Bella, and it's not that I wanted to. All my life I've always wanted to be close to her but with my ego I never seemed to connect with her. I had to switch the numbers so that she could be my sweetheart for the dance. It was a good deed, right?

Kassie's POV

As the guys were busy preparing themselves, I decided to wait for Lucia from the front porch of our house. Nova left his house and when he saw me, he waved.

"You've been avoiding me lately. "

"No. I've been busy with the sweetheart dance preparations and since you have a new friend, I thought you'd be fine without me, "he explained as soon as he arrived at our porch and sat with me at the stairs.

"I've been having nightmares Nova. Someone kills a lady and wants to kill me too. Yesterday was the only night that I didn't have the nightmares. " Come to think of it, why didn't I have the nightmare?

"I'm sorry, "he apologized and gave me a hug. "It's hopefully just a phase, nothing else. " Nova just called my nightmares a phase. Am I the only one worried that they might mean something? I wanted to complain but I was interrupted by the front door. Bella carried her bags and placed them near August's car. Andrew followed  suit and opened the car for her. They should just start dating already, so that he could stop giving me mixed signs. We had a lot of fun yesterday night and I even passed out on his arm. For a moment I had thought we were more than sweethearts but it's all in my head. Lucia had arrived and after greeting me, she rushed into the house.

"So you aren't coming to the trip at all? "

"Yeap," I replied and gave Nova a hug. He greeted August and walked away.

"Don't play in my room. "

"And take care of my best friend, "I also instructed and he smirked. I watched them as they drove away.

Katherine's POV

I strolled around the royal garden and passed by the queen's grave. Magdalene should have let me remain with Arthur all those years ago. If she did, she wouldn't have died so soon. Hardly was I about to place a rose on her grave when I heard some voices. I teleported myself back to my castle and met Marcus, taking a cup of tea.

"Where were you?"he asked, placing his cup on the table.

"On a walk. How's the camping trip? "

"She didn't go with them, "he nervously answered and sipped his tea.

"What?! "

"She refused to go, even after her best friend tried to reason with her. "

"We'll take this as an opportunity. Since she is all alone, I think I should pay her a visit. You'll distract Maverick for me, alright? "

"Okay ma'am. "

Macy's POV

After setting up our tent, I went to the cabin to grab some lamps. My camp mate was Elle, since Kassie refused to come with us. As I walked back, I was stopped by Nova.

"The prodigal son finally comes back home, "I joked. Ever since Andrew and August started hanging out with us, he's been avoiding both Kassie and I.

"I've been busy."

"Same excuse as always. Anyway, I have to take this to the tent before lunch. See you around." I waved and walked away. When we were kids, Nova used to have a huge crush on Kassie, but as we grew up it faded away. Maybe he still likes her and felt bad that he didn't get Kassie as his sweetheart.


Thank you for coming this far and considering this book. Again, I'm sorry for the typos, editing is still in progress.

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From a girl on earth.

With love,



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Hunter Henderson

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