29 - Drifting

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Peter's POV

I heard a loud knock on my door and I decided to wake up. It was Jean, and she seemed freaked out. "You need to see this, "she said before pulling me along the way to Kassie's room. We found Maverick there, together with Prince Corey and Bruce.

"What do you see, Corey? "Maverick asked. I looked around and I was shocked. Kassie was having her nightmares again but this time things were not the same. Every single item in the room was in mid air, and were spinning.

"It's hard to see clearly. There is something that is blocking me from her mind. Does she have powers? "

"Her mother did but I don't think she has them, "I answered as I slowly approached her bed.

"Be careful, Peter, "Jean cautioned. I held Kassie's hand and tried to wake her up. She became very uneasy and the lights started to flicker. I decided to cast a relaxation spell on her and everything in the room slowly came back down and in order. I tapped her cheek once more and she opened her eyes. She seemed shocked to see everyone in the room.

"What happened? "she asked. I looked at Corey and he nodded.

"Don't worry. Go back to sleep and we will talk about it in the morning, "I told her before we exited the room. After closing the door, Bruce asked Corey if he was able to read Kassie's mind.

"Yes and I think the Isle Kingdom should be our next destination since we can't help her until we go there."

"What do you mean? "

"Well she was having a nightmare about how Katherine killed her mother, but she still doesn't know that it is her mother being killed. This time round she tried helping the baby by running away with it, but the baby was also killed in the process. Her nightmares are not being caused by her previous encounter with Katherine but by her powers. Her powers are trying to connect with her but since they are so strong, they can't be confined in her dream and that's why everything in the room was levitating,"he explained to us.

"Then why is going to Isle going to help her? "

"Because Bruce, she needs to link with her mother so that she may know more about her powers."

Macy's POV

After getting a call from August, saying that he wouldn't be able to drop me off to school, I decided to go with my mother. I wondered how I could contact Kassie and tell her about Nova. He might be the bad guy, but it seems that he is doing it for a good reason. I bid my Mother goodbye before getting out. School was going to be boring because both my best friends were missing. I hope I'll get a chance to talk to August later so that I can inform him about Nova.


After the Chemistry lesson I decided to pass by the washrooms before lunch since it would be kinda empty. As soon as I entered my favourite toilet some girls walked in laughing.

"I can't believe you are drunk on Tuesday, Cleo, "one girl commented before they both giggled. That must be Hannah's voice. Hannah and Cleo were also part of Bella's squad, the Untouchables.

"Let me be. Y'all left the party way to early yesterday."

"Well the A team didn't show, except Andrew and Seth."

"August and the rest came later. Brittany couldn't let the party end without August, "Cleo told Hannah before she laughed. August was a party yesterday? Maybe that's why he couldn't drive me to school in the morning. He was too drunk to do so.

"What's Brittany's deal with August? He is already dating the nerd's best friend, whatever her name is." How rude! For your information, Hannah, my name is Macy.

"Well, maybe he's cheating. Remember when Brittany told us to switch the sweetheart dance numbers so that Kassie ends up with Andrew? Well, it was August's idea and told Brittany that he owes her a solid."

"And that solid might be..... "

"Shh!"Cleo shrieked before laughing. "Let's go before Bella starts to wonder where we are. I promise to be more sober around them. " They finished and left after a few minutes. August and Brittany? No. He wouldn't. Don't let them get into your head Macy. They don't know the truth. August loves you and you love him too, I told myself as I finished up my business, washed my hands and freshened up before going to the cafeteria. I took my food and August signalled me to join them. I sat beside August and later realises that Brittany was opposite him. She shrugged when she saw me before focusing on August's endless stories. I ate in silence, wishing that either Nova or Kassie would show up and save me from all this awkwardness.

"Are you okay? "August asked soon after he was done with his story.

"She's not comfortable being here. She'd rather be with her nerdy best friends, the freak artist and the wannabe Andrew's girlfriend, "Brittany answered him while smiling.

"If you are going to insult my best friends then I'd suggest you keep your dirty mouth shut!"I warned her, drawing everyone's attention. "I'll come at you Brittany and believe me when I say I'm not scared."

"Come at me if you have the guts." I stood up and tried to approach Brittany but August held me back.


"Didn't you hear what she called Kassie?"

"I did, but I know she didn't mean so. Brittany loves to joke around."

"It seems like you are on her side."

"I'm not. I'm just saying and honestly between the two of us, I've known Brittany for a long time. She is just being her sarcastic self."

"She wants a fight with me, she will get one. I'm not going to pamper her the way you do, August," she remarked. I looked at August and picked up my bag. I rushed outside the cafeteria and August followed.

"Wait, "he said and stopped in front of me. "I'm sorry, okay, what Brittany said wasn't nice."

"You can realise that now but not in front of your friends? It's okay. Yesterday I asked you to join my family for dinner but you told me that you were tired and needed to sleep. It seems you couldn't sleep and went to Brittany's place. "

"What are you talking about? "

"You went to Brittany's party last night and that's why you couldn't meet me in the morning because you were drunk, right? "I asked him. He hesitated before saying yes. I looked away from his eyes and left him standing in the middle of the hallway.

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