15 - Prince Liam?

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Kassie's POV

"What happened? Where did that mean lady go? "Lucia asked after letting go of my clothes. Peter chuckled nervously and raked through his hair.

"Which mean lady? "

"Peter, there was a person who was here right now, where did she disappear to?" I also asked.

"Magic, "he said and requested us to sit down.

Mia's POV

I looked at Hunter's picture. He was a prince, and left his kingdom because of me. That's why his mother hates me. Every time we visit her, she only talks to the kids and most especially Bella. I guess that's where Bella got her bitterness from. What I don't get is why he didn't tell me about his past, how I never got to meet his brother, why we had a secret wedding at our secret love garden and why he never told me about Kassie, who is now biologically my niece.

I took out my phone and called her, my mother in law.


"Hello Lily. I'd like to talk to you about something."

"I don't think we have anything to talk about. Hunter is gone and since he was the only thing that brought us together, I have no business with you. "

"Please, okay. I'll come with the kids so that you don't have to spend the whole time with me. What about this Friday? "

"Okay. But we will only talk for 15 minutes, then I'll continue ignoring you. "

"Fine,"I replied and hanged up. I hope she will tell me the truth, because I know Hunter loved his mother more than anyone else, even me.

King Arthur's POV

Queen Alexia of Astoria was right. The only way Utopia would remain strong and for both kingdoms to get rid of Katherine and her goons was to form an alliance.

"I propose a wedding, between my son, Prince Liam and your daughter, Princess Amelia. I know they are just teenagers, but they are the future of our kingdoms. We both sent them to earth, to be well educated and under the care of normal humans. Chances are they might be in the same school. Since my son knows where he is from, we should summon him. You know he can help guard the princess," she explained. Maybe she is right. If I fight Katherine alone, many of my people will die, but with Astoria's mighty army, we might have a chance. "Do we have a deal? "


Kassie's POV

"She was going to a birthday party and when she realised she stepped into the wrong house she vanished. She also apologized for freezing your time, "he explained. Weird. The lady was a magician? "That's why she scared Lucia at the door. She thought she was the birthday girl." Although I somehow get his explanation, I feel like I've met that lady before. I dragged Peter with me and went to the dining room, leaving Lucia in the living room watching Sponge Bob.

"I've been meaning to tell you something. "

"That you like me. Isn't it obvious, "he joked and let out a laugh.

"Peter! Anyway, I think that everyone is hiding something from me."

"Why? "

"Everyone is acting weird and my best friends don't hang out with me anymore. Nova's been avoiding me, Macy acts all nervous around me, August is always busy and Andrew just made love to Bella despite us being sweethearts. Did I do something wrong that I don't seem to remember? "


"And I've been having nightmares that someone wants to kill me," I added and he gave me a glass of water.

"I'm sorry. Maybe things might be weird now but soon you'll come to understand why all this is happening. Don't worry about it. Your nightmares will end soon, I'll talk to the Sandman to protect you."

"The Sandman? "I asked.

"He's like Santa Claus but he makes sure you get good dreams and protects you from the nightmare horse. Aah never mind, "he answered and we both laughed. I wish I had met Peter before. He is like the male version of me.

Andrew's POV

"Can I talk to you for a minute?"I asked August after we were done with boat riding. "How do I deal with your sister? "

"What has Bella done? "

"She doesn't want to accept that it was only a one night stand. She's crazy and won't let me be."

"But what's the big deal bro? You also are to blame,"he replied. What does he mean by that? "You slept with Bella. You were drunk and I get that bro, but despite you knowing that both Kassie and Bella have a huge crush on you, you've never told Kassie how you feel. I thought rigging the numbers for you would make it easy but you are making it hard for yourself."

"You did what? "

"I bribed Brittany, so that she would switch the numbers and make me end up with Macy and you with Kassie. Do you know who was supposed to be Kassie's sweetheart? "


"Nova,bro. Nova Huarto was to be with your girl and rumour has it that he also loves her, more than a best friend. "

Sorry for the late update.
Thank you for all the love and support you have shown for this book.
It really means a lot to me.

Anyway have a lovely time.
I love you all💛


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