16 - The Date

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Kassie's POV


"Hey,"I greeted Nova and sat next to him during the Literature lesson. The weekend was fun, and somehow Peter was right since the nightmares had stopped. The camping trip seemed fun since everyone came back happy.

"Hey Kassie. I'm sorry I have been ignoring you. "

"It's okay Nova," I whispered as the teacher read out the literature text."How's....... "

"Would you like to go out with me? Tonight? "

"Like a date? "

"Like an apology date. What do you say? "he inquired. I looked around and noticed that the teacher had walked out and everyone was looking at us.

"Say yes before the teacher comes back, "some girl seated in front of me pleaded.

"Fine, "I replied and smiled at him. "But don't forget my curfew. "

"11pm, noted. "

               *       *      *       *       *

Bella's POV   

After school, I went to the soccer field to talk to Andrew. I know he claims he doesn't love me, but he will, soon. I found them doing some laps, and I waited at the finish line for him. He noticed me and stopped. I know what he might be mumbling to himself. What is Bella doing here? Doesn't she understand what I told her?

"What do you want? "

"I just came to check on you and to see if you're alright. "

"I'm fine Bella. You may go now. "

"I will babe. I will. But I hope that soon you will realise that Kassie doesn't love you, I do,"I told him and walked away. I wanted to tell him about Nova and Kassie's date but where's the fun in that. I hope he will see them for himself and understand that Kassie was never meant for him.

Kassie's POV

It's my first date.
I'm freaking out and I don't know why.
I went through my clothes and realised that shouldn't be worried since Nova is my best friend. I took out a short, red dress and a pair of heels. I curled my hair and applied some red lipstick.

"Kassie, Nova is here! "Bella announced. I picked up my jacket and phone and walked out of my room. Bella seemed happy to see us together and wished us a goodnight. I entered Nova's car and we drove off.

"Where are we going? "

"Somewhere which has two of your most favourite things. "

"A bar?"

"No. Why did you even think of a bar? "

"Karaoke and meat."

"That's new. Anyway it's not a bar, "he remarked and laughed at me. We pulled over and I realised where we were. The park! Now I know why he chose the park. I really love riding the carousel and eating cotton candy.

"Are you sure this is legal?"

"No one will ever know Kassie, "he replied and pulled me along with him. I climbed on a purple horse and he turned the carousel on. I really love this ride, more than the Ferris wheel or even the merry go round. He removed his camera and took pictures of me. After the carousel we went to the cotton candy stand and made our own. We went for a walk and he told me all the events that happened at the camping trip. As we talked about some random things, we bumped into a security guard and we ran away as fast as we could. I was so full and felt like puking but it was so much better than jail. We quickly got into the car and Nova drove away as fast as he could. We stopped at Creamy House for some ice cream.

"That was close, "Nova said as he laughed and he gave me my bowl of ice cream.

"Yeah,"I answered. It was around 10pm when we were driving back home. How much time flies when one is having fun. He stopped at our house and turned off the radio.

"Kassie, I have something to tell you. "

"Okay. What is it about? "

"Andrew. I know you two are sweethearts but I want you to stay away from him. "

"Why? "

"He will hurt you and I don't want that to happen. You are too good for him. He doesn't deserve to be with you. "

"I can take care of myself Nova, thank you for looking out for me," I stated. As I reached out for the door, Nova suddenly pulled me to him and moved his fingers through my hair.

"When will you see that I love you so much? "

"What are you talking about Nova? "

"Kassie ever since I met you I have always has a crush on you and my feelings for you always grow stronger each and every day. I have been waiting all my life for you to love me and to call you mine. I'm done hiding my feelings. I love you Kassie, "he confessed and looked at me in my eyes. Why me all of a sudden? I looked at him confusedly and realised that he wasn't joking.

"But Nova, we are just best..... "I tried to explain but he interrupted me with a kiss. I tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge. Well,this wasn't supposed to happen.

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