7 - Katherine

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Andrew walked up to us and pulled me away from Peter. "You didn't tell me you were coming, "

"I wasn't going to. I only came here because Nova thought I needed to meet new people. Look, I met Peter over here, "I stated and Peter stood up.

"I know who this guy is. I met him in the cafeteria when he bumped into me and made me drop my tray. "

"I'm sorry Andrew. I didn't do it on purpose."

"Let's go, "Andrew ranted and pulled me along. I waved and mouthed sorry at Peter. What was Andrew even angry at?

"Leave my hand. What's the matter with you? "

"You are my sweetheart so that means you have to stick with me whether you like it or not, "

"No I don't. Who said that I had to be submissive to you just because you are my partner at the dance? "I inquired. Everyone kept quiet in the room and looked at us. "Who do you think you are, bossing me around like I'm some type of servant." August walked up to us and held Andrew. Macy walked up to me and gave me a hug.

"I'm so sorry for his behavior. He's always angry when drunk,"August apologized and took him away. Bella followed them and Macy took me to the kitchen.

"I shouldn't have come here if Andrew was only going to disrespect me. "

"I think he has a crush on you. "

"What?"I asked before laughing. "That sorry excuse of a human being has a crush on me? What have you drunk, Macy? "

"For real. He kept on looking for you and ignored every single vibe Bella was throwing at him. Seeing you with another guy made him go nuts and raised his angry side. " Andrew Marshall had a crush on me, Kassie Henderson. I guess the penguins should start flying now cause it seems the impossible is happening. "By the way, I love your outfit. "

"Thanks, "I replied and took a can of soda from the fridge. We hanged out together until midnight and I decided to go home. Macy wanted to remain and I couldn't stop her. I walked to a bus station and boarded the next bus. I looked at my phone and noticed I had a lot of missed calls from Nova and Mia. I decided to call Mia first, since it might be an emergency.


"Kassie, where are you?"

"I went to a certain party but don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm on my way home,"I explained. The bus suddenly stopped and when I looked out the window, we weren't even near my neighbourhood, or any neighborhood as a matter of fact.

"Why did the bus stop? " a guy asked. The bus door opened and a lady in a long evening dress walked in. She had a lot of symbols on her arm and her green eyes made her look scarier. She threw a knife at the bus driver, killing him at an instant.

"Scream and your next,"she warned and smiled at me. "Amelia, so nice to finally meet you, "she added. She held my hand and we teleported somewhere in the woods.

"My name is Kassie and where are we? "

"Some place far away from everyone. I expected you to be bolder and stronger but your just another weak human being, just like your mother. "

"How do you know my mother? "I asked.

"How rude of me. I never introduced myself, I'm Katherine, soon to be the queen of Utopia. And you are my ticket to it,"she responded and began to choke me with her hands. I could literally feel the oxygen in the air decreasing.

"Katherine! What are you doing on earth? "a guy appeared and pointed an arrow at her.

"Oh boy, "she gulped before blowing some green smoke at my face. My head felt heavy and I was dizzy. I suddenly blacked out.

              *       *       *       *       *
Mia's POV

"Will she be okay? "I asked him as I sat beside my sweet daughter.

"Yes but she will not have any memory of today, "he answered and kept his bow down.

"Who are you? "

"I am Peter Smith, Royal guard to the princess. The King saw it fit for me to come help Maverick, since I'm young and can blend in with the other high schoolers,"

"Thank you so much for saving her. I know she is not my real daughter but I don't know what I'd do without her, "I thanked him and he smiled back.

"It's alright Mia. You might want to explain to your family what happened to Kassie so that they don't bring up anything that happened in the party. I've worked it out such that she will remember me but won't remember Katherine. I'll see you soon, "he whispered and walked out through the window. I hope she'll be alright.

 I hope she'll be alright

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Sorceress Katherine

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