44 - Kidnapped

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It has been a month now, and after long sessions of daily practice and exercise, we were finally ready. Venus and Nova's powers grew stronger with time and August also perfected on his fighting skills which I never knew he had before. Jean, Peter and Bruce were the trainers since they were the only ones who were in an army. Corey and Andrew still don't get along, but I made it clear to them that I'm not interested in being more than friends. I finally tapped into my powers and although I hadn't acquired it all, at least I could move things with my mind, open small portals and form small balls of fire on my hands.

Today we were all going home, since Queen Alexia thought it would be better if we could take a break for a while. I couldn't wait to see Mia, and talk to Macy about everything. When we arrived, Mia was very excited to see us, since she did not know if we would ever come back.

"Where's dad? "August asked as soon as we were done with the million hugs and kisses from Mia.

"He went grocery shopping. Your dad doesn't want me to work nowadays. He says that I exhaust myself. "

"He's right, Mia. At least you have time to relax now,"I told her. Hunter arrived and was followed by Maverick and Hazel.

"Where have you two been? "Mia asked Maverick as soon as he joined us in the living room.

"Researching for ways to get rid of Katherine. That woman has no weakness. "

"Well I know of one. When she captured me, I noticed she quickly refused the proposal of Marcus turning me into a Pixie, "Hunter pointed out, before going back to his conversation with August. He was right, since her protective barrier couldn't cover the Pixie forest.

"The pixies don't like humans so it would be very difficult to ask for their help," Hazel told us. We all chatted for a while before Bella arrived.

"Daddy!"she exclaimed happily before giving him a hug.

"I have missed my princess. Where have you been? "

"Yes, Bella, tell us. Where have you been?" I also asked and gave her a smile. Hunter didn't know that Bella worked for Katherine, and Mia didn't have the courage to tell him so she decided to hid it from him until the day he would find out the truth by himself.

"Beauty camp. A certain model agency set out a camp for all future models for a one month training and fashion lessons,"she answered while smiling at Hunter. "I have to freshen up daddy, I'll talk to you later," she added before going upstairs. I looked at Mia and she shook her head. Well I guess if Hunter didn't know about Bella then Bella also didn't know about the phoenix stuff.

August's POV

Kassie suddenly walked into my room and quickly closed the door. "Have you tried calling Macy because every time I call her it keeps taking me straight to voicemail,"she said, with a worried look on her face.

"Maybe she went out without her phone."

"We both know Macy never leaves her phone. Something is up,"she replied. My phone rang and an unknown number appeared on the screen. I answered and realised who it was.

"Before you hang up, I'm calling because of Macy," Jamal said as soon as I made it clear to him that I didn't want to talk to him. Macy chose him, so I didn't see the reason why he should be calling me.

"What happened? I swear if anything bad happened to Macy I'll kill you."

"You'll kill me later, okay, buy right now we need to save Macy before they kill her. She's been kidnapped."


Macy's POV

"You look so good in that dress, "some guy said. I was blindfolded and my head was hurting. Jamal had asked me out on a date yesterday and as soon as I arrived at the hotel, he wasn't there. Last thing I could remember was that I tried calling him before someone sneaked up behind me and sprayed some stuff on my face. Everything became blurry and when I woke up, I was blindfolded and tied up on a chair. "I need to see your eyes, "he added before removing my blindfold. It took some time for my eyes to adjust to the light and when they did, I got to see the guy in front of me. He was wearing a black face mask and a huge black hoodie.

"Jamal really won a jackpot dating you," another guy added before the first guy bent down and touched my face. I moved my face away and he laughed.

"It's a matter of time, Macy. I'll have my revenge and then you'll be mine, whether you like it or not,"he spoke before ordering some guy to get me some food. Why did I even let my dad force us to come here?

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