26 - Happy Birthday?

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"HAPPY SEVENTEENTH!!" everybody yelled at soon as I walked into the living room. I didn't expect the surprise to be as soon as I woke up.

"Finally you woke up, "Nova said and gave me a present. "I hope we will always be best friends."

"Of course we will, "I assured him before Macy walked up to us.

"Well, since Nova isn't staying for long we should cut the cake now?"

"You're leaving?"

"Yeah. I have to run some errands. However, I can't leave before cake, "he answered and Mia brought the birthday cake. I made a wish, blew the candles and everyone got a piece of it. Nova excused himself and left. I looked around and realised Andrew wasn't here. After a while he came and helped me take my gifts upstairs.

"Are you excited for the dance? "

"Honestly, I'm kinda nervous since the last dance I attended was in middle school, "I replied as we placed the gifts on my study table. From my window, I saw Nova placing some bags in the backseat of his car before receiving a phone call. He's been acting strange lately and it was quite unusual for him to react the way he did yesterday when I told him that I was a princess. What could he be hiding?

Nova's POV

"What's up with you lately? "

"Just leave me alone, Elle. Should you be with Katherine at the war? "

"She told me to wait for the right time. Anyway, what are you desperately looking for in her office? "she inquired. It's better if I don't tell her. She might tell Katherine everything.

"Don't worry about it. Just promise me that you won't tell her that I was in her office while she was away. You owe me a solid, remember? "

"Yeah yeah." Suddenly, my phone rang. Kassie.
What does she want now?

"Hello. "

"Hey. I think we need to talk. "

"Can it wait for some other time. I'm quite busy at the moment. Is there anything wrong at home? "

"No. Everything is fine. I'm just worried about you. Nova, you've been acting strange and I saw you leaving with some bags earlier. "

"Don't worry. Just know I'm okay and try to enjoy your birthday. I'll see you soon, "I told her before hanging up. She suspects me already. I need to rectify everything before she finds out about me. "And one more thing, please make sure she doesn't hurt Kassie in any way. "

"Fine. I'll make sure she won't, for now,"she said before walking away. I hope she knows how serious I am about it.

Kassie's POV

"Oh my! You look so pretty,"Mia commented as soon as I went to her room. She grabbed her phone and took some pictures.


"Yes! I bet Andrew will freeze when he sees you." August walked in and seemed surprised.

"Your highness, "he said and bowed down. "Macy and Andrew are waiting for us. White looks so good on you, "he added before holding out his hand. I held it and Mia took a quick picture before we went downstairs. Mia was right, Andrew's face did freeze as soon as he saw me. In a way, it kinda made me feel good. We went to our separate cars and drove off. Andrew's hair was held at the back in a small ponytail and his white tuxedo looked so good. I can't wait for this night to start.

Peter's POV

"He's hurt! Bring the healers quick! "Jean ordered at the royal maids as he helped King Arthur lie on his bed. Katherine managed to shoot an arrow at his chest, which might have possibly reached his heart. Jean held his hand and told him to hold on.

"My time has come. Tell Amelia that I love her so much."

"Don't say that. The healers will bring you back to normal don't worry," Jean said, crying and continuously calling for the healers. I looked out the window and noticed that Katherine's army had gone through the castle gates.

"They are here, " I told them. Jean worriedly looked at me and then at the king whose breathing had slowed down.

"Take care of Amelia for me, Peter. Whatever happens, just know that I'll always be proud and that I love you all," he said before closing his eyes and breathing out his last. Jean kissed King Arthur's cheek before breaking into tears. I gave her a hug and told her that it was time for us to leave. We had lost the king, the battle and the kingdom. All we had left was Amelia, who was also not going to receive the news lightly. Maverick walked in and informed us that Katherine's men were in the castle. He carried Arthur's body before we teleported to a safe place.

Kassie's POV

After we took some pictures at the photo booth and danced, I excused myself to the washrooms and Andrew offered to get us some drinks. I really need to thank dad for the dress, since everyone was complimenting it. I fixed my hair and tried calling Nova but went directly to voicemail. I went back to the party and surprisingly found Andrew at the snack table with Bella all over him, kissing! I marched up to them and pulled Bella away from him.

"What is the meaning of this? "

"Who called you here Kassie? Learn to mind your own business sometimes. "

"Bella, shut up! Andrew, what's going on? "I asked. He smirked and pulled Bella close.

"My girlfriend and I were having some time together. Is there anything wrong with that, miss chaperone? " Did Andrew just call Bella his girlfriend?

"You and Bella? What about everything we've shared for the past several weeks. The party, the lake, karaoke? " They both looked at each other before laughing. August and Macy walked over to us and were also shocked to see Andrew holding Bella.

"Dude, your foster sister might be going crazy. She thought I actually liked her,"he told August. Macy tried to hold my hand but I declined.

"It was all a lie?"

"I'm sorry, but it was a test to see how far Bella would go for our love, "he answered and kissed Bella's cheek. How could he?

"What about everything?"

"What don't you understand, Kassie? I tried to warn you but you didn't listen. I knew Andrew wouldn't fall in love with someone like you,"she answered and they both laughed. He played me. All this time, he wasn't really genuine. Why should I care though? We were not even dating.

Peter suddenly appeared from across the hallway and I ran to him. I wanted to tell him about Bella and Andrew's secret relationship but he was already sad.

"Peter, what's wrong? "

"You need to come to Utopia,"he answered. "Something tragic happened. "



It's been a long time but I'm back and hopefully I'll be able to finish this book soon.

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I love you all.


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