19 - Necklace

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After we had finally set the bonfire, I went back to the house to grab my hoodie. Walking into the room I found Bella, reading my diary and laughing at one of my private confession in it. I tried to snatch it from her hands but I couldn't. "Bella, give me back my diary. "

"I didn't know you also have intense fantasies too. I thought the good ones are pure of heart and mind,"she laughed and shook her head. "I wonder what people at school would think about this. "

"Look Bella, whatever beef we have, I'm sorry but please don't do this. "

"Fine. I won't show everyone. But you have to leave Andrew alone. As far as I know he belongs to me."

"Are you blackmailing me? "I asked and she giggled.

"No, no of course not. I'm just making sure that I end up with Andrew, not you, " she answered and gave me my diary before walking out. I quickly hid it under my clothes in the bag and locked it up. I can't believe Bella would stoop so low in order to get Andrew. If he doesn't love her then she should just move on. It's not that she's ugly and fat and can't find anyone else.


We all went down to the lake and while Mia and grandma were setting up the picnic, we all went to the lake to swim. I had worn my swimsuit inside, so I just took off my white shirt and a pair of black shorts before diving in the cold water. Peter didn't want to swim, so I left him my phone and clothes to take care of. I was the only girl who had a one piece swimsuit on. We played for a while before racing to the shore. I obviously lagged behind and Andrew decided to wait for me. He also helped me with a towel as soon as we got to the shore. I sat beside him and noticed that he had the same necklace as mine, the only difference was that his was silver.

"How long have you been having that? "I inquired and pointed it.

"Since I was born, why? "

"I also have one, "I told him and held out my necklace for him to see. He studied it for a while before looking into my eyes. He then stared at my lips before looking at me. OMG he wants to kiss me! I quickly stood up and smiled at him. "We'll be late for lunch," I spoke nervously and chuckled. I helped him up and we walked together to the picnic area. I had noticed that for the first time ever, grandma didn't have an argument with Mia. They seemed to be in good terms and even laughed together. As we were taking lunch, some guy appeared and grandma seemed really happy to see him.

Andrew's POV

King Arthur is here?
I glanced at Peter and he was also surprised.

"I've kept so many things from you Mia. Meet Arthur, your brother in law, "Kassie's grandma introduced him and they hugged. If Mia was the king's sister in law, it means that both August and Bella were royalty. He hugged Maverick and smiled at him. "Since it seems that you already know Mav, let me introduce you to the rest. This is August, Mia's first born, Macy, Peter, Bella, Mia's second born, Andrew and Kassie, Mia's foster child. " He seemed extra happy to meet Kassie, as if he was meeting her for the first time.

"It's a pleasure meeting all of you," he mentioned and sat next to Kassie's grandma. I looked at Kassie and realised she was holding her stomach in pain.

"Are you okay? "

"No. I think grandma forgot I'm allergic to ginger," she explained before holding my hand. "I don't feel so good Andrew, "she added before groaning. I stood up and carried her.

"What's wrong with Kassie? ",Mia asked with a lot of concern.

"Her stomach hurts. I'll take her back to the house, if you don't mind."

"Okay. There are some pain killers in my bag. Make sure she takes it,"she instructed. After a few minutes we had arrived and I took her to their room. I placed her on the bed and rushed to Mia's room for the drugs. I don't know why but it really hurts to see Kassie like this, crying. I helped her take the drugs and covered her with a blanket.

"Andrew.....please....stay," she managed to say and held out her hand. I lied next to her and brushed her cheek with my thumb. She was going to be my queen, literally, and I just couldn't believe it. I studied her necklace and apparently this time, it glowed.

Mia's POV

"Thank you so much for taking care of Princess Amelia. My brother was very lucky to have you as his wife. "

"Your welcome your highness. She has a wonderful soul, and I know she will be a great Queen," I commented.

"Yes she will be. Don't tell her anything though until we get rid of Katherine for good. "

"I've been meaning to ask, what happened for her to be that mean and obsessed about being the queen? "


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