Chapter One

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   I woke up on a concrete pavement. I didn't know where I was, but I knew one thing. This definitely wasn't my island. I got up and looked around. I saw something shiny next to me and I picked it and gasped. No way. I was starring at the legendary Keyblade.

   I heard myths about the Kingdom Keys. Very few people posses the actual blades. Only two blades still exist in the world. I swinged it and I noticed it felt balanced in my hands. I  jumped when it disappeared and looked around.

    I took a chance and tried summoning the blade. I opened my eyes when I heard a weapon come out of its sheath and something fall into my hands. I saw the legendary blade in my hands again. Could it be possible that I am one of two wielders?
   I walked around town and I noticed that it wasn't very lively. The town itself had alot of color and neon signs. One sign said the name of the town, "Traverse Town."

   I walked into a section of the town and saw a beautiful fountain, but next to it I found something weird. A power cord? That's odd. I saw a really big power cord with a warning sign. I never seen one this big so it took me by surprise. Long enough for me to get ambushed from behind. Figures.

   I summoned the Keyblade and turned around. There were weird looking creatures in front of me. They were black with antennas and short bodies, but really long claws. I stood in defense stance til they attacked first. I dodge-rolled a few attacks and attacked back. Finally, after ten minutes, they were defeated. Not wanting to be ambushed again, I went back to the section of the town where I woke up.

   I stood and looked around to find somewhere else to go. I turned when I heard someone groan and I walked around to find the person. I heard him groan again and turned toward two double oak doors. I saw the person who groaned in pain and ran to them and fell to my knees as I realize who it was. I turned him over and put a hand on his cheek. "Sora, Wake up!"

An Adventure With Him (A Kingdom Hearts Fanfiction )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ