Deceive ch 38

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"Deceive ch 38"
At General Hospital -Kim and David and Finn who didn't go to the nurse ball were at the nurse station when they got the phone call about the accident at the ball."We need all doctor and nurse on hand and supplies "We are fully supplies but most of our staff is at the ball"As Lucas came into the room."Lucas,You didn't go to the ball"No,What's going on"There been an accident at the ball ,A plane crash into the ball"No,My Mother was their"We need more doctor to help"As Emma and Serena came into the hallway."We are here to help"Didn't you go to the ball"Yes but we didn't drink,It just started when the plane crash"Was anyone hurt"It's bad"As the paramedics came in with Bobbie and Mac and Jax and Maxie and Lila Rae and Skye and Brooklyn and Kristina.Alan and Monica came into the hallway,"We need to set up a trauma rooms "We are all set"Good,Now Let's Get to work,Lucas I don't recommend you working on you're mother "Alright "As Paramedic came in with Jeff and Heather and Olivia Jerome.

Genevieve and Lorenzo came into the hallway."We need to see my wife and daughter "The Doctor is with them "Skye and Lila Rae will be okay "You love both of them"We are Family Daddy "Yes"Ayden came by,"How's Lila Rae "We don't know"

A paramedic came in with Rae and Elizabeth."Mother,Are you okay"Yes,Rae isn't doing good "No"

Lila Rae room-Lila Rae keeping going in and out of consciousness and Lucas was looking at her and saw a cut on her head."We need to do surgery "

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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