Chapter 23: This Ends Here

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Kakeru landed in what seemed like a warehouse. It was big and abandoned, only shelves of boxes occupied it. She dropped me on my feet and smiled, looking around in the boxes.

"W-what are you going to do?" I asked, fear making my voice tremble.

"I'm going to kill you obviously, draining you of blood and then burning your corpse is the only sure method," she said, pulling a knife down from one of the boxes.

I screamed and ran, my long hair blowing behind me as I dashed through the aisles of boxes. There had to be an exit, there was no way that I was trapped here. I screamed in frustration as I kept hitting dead ends, no exit doors, no way out.

A sharp pain jutted up my leg and I screamed.

Sometimes, you can't run. Sometimes you have to accept that you're going to die. That's what I was doing now as I fell to the ground and turned around to face my killer. The bright orbs that were their eyes, glowing in the darkness.

"This ends here," the silky voice said. Kakeru ran her fingers over the blade of the knife.

A single tear slid from my face as I wished for daylight. 

As I wished for anything that could save me. There was nothing coming to save me and I realized that now as she stepped closer and raised the knife above her head.

A loud growl echoed through the building and Kakeru was tackled away from me and into the darkness. I tried to stand up, but more pain shot through my leg. Looking down, I realized that Kakeru had thrown something at my leg and the bone had broken through the skin. There was no hope of me walking or running.

A loud scream that wasn't mine pierced through the warehouse and then silence. I crawled slowly across the ground until I could see what had taken care of Kakeru for me. A large wolf, white as snow, stood there, over Kakeru's corpse, blood all over its face. It had killed Kakeru.

The piercing green eyes stared into mine and it nuzzled its cheek against mine.

"Max, you saved my life," I whispered.

The wolf only nudged me again in response.

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