Chapter 21: Betrayed

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"You're a shifter?" I asked, hearing my voice break softly.

"'s not the time," Max said, grimacing.

"When was the time going to be Max? I mean someone came in here and tried to shoot me, and THEY have to tell me that you're a shifter!" I stood up and went into the bedroom, slamming the door. Tears were burning my eyes as I threw cothes in my bag.

There was a knock at the door.

"What?" I asked, snappily.

"The guy...outside. He said that he's working for some vampire, uh...Kakeru?" Leila's voice said.

My heart dropped into my stomach and I almost threw up. Kakeru...the vampire who had came to me in my dreams and told me that I'd be a warrior, she was trying to kill me? How did that make any sense? 

I opened the door and stepped out in the hallway. Max and Channing were still in the living room, Channing was pinning the guy down while Max was questioning him. I stood in the doorway and his eyes seemed to gleam with danger, almost as if he enjoyed my fear.

"She's going to get you, ya litte bitch!" He said, smirking.

"Why does she want her?" Max asked.

"She is what your kind would call The White Witch. Though she may not realize it yet, her powers are for good, to cleanse the world of the evil that our kinds create. Us vampires, shifters, wereanimals, and others, will be forced to follow her orders, she'll be the queen of the immortal world. Kakeru can't bow down to a mortal girl, not now, not ever, it is time to reap her soul. It is time to take her out of this world," the man said.

Leila, Channing, and Max all turned to me. This day was just turning out to be perfect, huh? 

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