Fuck off dad

5 2 1

Honestly tho

If anyone is driving me insane in my dad

I can't stand living with any of my family on a normal basis, for like three hours

But now I'm with them twenty four seven

It's fucking hell

It's been six weeks since someone has verbally said my preferred name

I feel like I'm being left out of something

Not many of my friends reach out to me, certainly on a regular basis

I'm struggling y'all and I don't know what to do

Usually I feel so confident and that people actually likes me

But it's been five weeks of almost complete radio silence

No messages, nothing to see how I was doing

So now of course I'm questioning every single relationship I've had within Admiral players

Wondering if any of them legitimately care, or if it's all a front

I'm just in need of them the most right now, and I've got nothing

I can't see them

They don't talk to me

I hate reaching out

It's not fun

Plus my dad it's just annoying as fuck

He doesn't know me at all, he's controlling and thinks he deserves respect

Which isn't how a relationship work

If you want respect, you give respect

Bitch if I say five more minutes I mean the game legit won't let me leave until I'm safe, but I'm in the middle of fucking battle so chill

If I'm struggling I literally won't reach out

Never have

And I probably won't ever

But hey what can a guy do

You don't get to pick your destiny

You can only hope and pray to whoever is listening that it isn't too bad

Sometimes they listen, sometimes they don't.

In my case, they certainly did not

But I can't be picky, so I'll just be grateful for what I do have that others don't

That's all anybody can do

Do what they can with what they've got, and thank god for everything you don't have to worry too much about

But yea

So anyways

I'm struggling

My family is full of dicks

Wish I had one

And that's all

Hope your quarantine is going alright, and that everyone would go back to normal really soon

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