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Ok so I'm He last rant I was praising the ADKS

but it's got it ups and downs

During the day I love it
We go on hikes
We go swimming
We play board games

Anything really

At night, in the room I stay in, it's not so friendly

It is dead dark, and I fucking hate the dark

And bears, which also ties into this fear

Because the windows are always open(acting AC system)

Which means my mind is always thinking about how there's going to be a bear that's gonna climb into the window and maul me

Now this rational fear ties back to when I was 8/9(I can't remember how old I was)

It was just my dad, my mom, Amy brother and myself along with our family friends of course, who own the place

The pond we're on is called Little Simon's Pond btw

So anyways, my dad, My brother(who's like one/two and some), and myself go on a small hike to this spot called the potato patch(aka the patch that actually grows blueberries)

My brother is in the neat backpack on my dad's back since he can't really walk on the trail without tripping and dying

So we get there and it's got a small little beach and a dock too

So we take a break by the dock right, and in the sand there's a paw print, which my dad promptly takes a photo of

And my dad is like

'Woah! Look at that! And it's so fresh too!'


Doesn't take a genius to figure out because the bear is still there

Just up in a tree

So that's when we hear grunting and up in this tree is a fucking bear

And of course my lil bro is still in the backpack so my dad puts him on and tells me we're gonna go

So then, we RUN all the way back home and I'm behind my dad which makes me panic even more because like, if the bear catches up it's gonna eat me first instead of my little brother

Which wasn't very comforting

So of course of the course of the entire trip I have nightmares and I can't sleep because of a dumb bear

But what's puts the cherry on top is when my dad tells everyone about it, Todd, the guy who tends to the place year round, tells us about the time his daughter had to stay in the car because there was a bear outside of it

And they have to shot like air pellets or something to scare it away

Which didn't help AT ALL

And so that explains my fear of bears, and so whenever I'm in the Adirondacks there's that in the back of my mind, but also, I just don't like not knowing what's in the dark room

Cause there's like taxidermy all over the house, and also there's a bear rug which contributes to the fear whenever I pass the hunting room

So like, I don't like not knowing what's hiding in my room(even though I know the place top to bottom)

I just really hate it being dark

But last year there wasn't enough beds for everyone in my family since we occupy two rooms and we need seven beds(there was only five)

So I got a blow up mattress but when I went to sleep apparently there was a hole in it, so like half an hour in I was sleeping on the fucking floor

My back was so sore last year

It was terrible

I just hope we got rid of that one and I'm not ending up on the floor again, because it was hard and very cold cause I didn't get too many comfortable blankets


Last year on like the last few days I got my period which sucked because I couldn't swim and I felt terrible so I opted to go home early

Which I hated doing :/

So two years running of vacation ruined



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