Grade two

Ok so beginning of the year I'm with this Owen kid again

And anyways we have this kind of game

It's like get to know your class mates

So there are a bunch of things on there such as

'Only Child'
'Has a baby siblings'
'Has home ice skating'
'Plays football'

Et cetera

So Owen is getting all the attention for baby sibling(also has a baby sibling that is a literal baby)

But I'm not so that makes me sad but once he comes over to me with a smile and he says

'Grace will you sign on my paper for have a baby brother?'

I was was super happy so of course I went heck yea and signed my name

And all the people that were crowding around him kind of split up and I got to sign some for that and Owen got to sign the rest so that was pretty neat

Also didn't help the fact I still had a crush on him

Also this year I got sick on Valentine's Day

Or maybe that was first grade I dunno

Maybe second grade was Saint Patrick's day

Either way one time on Valentine's Day I was like throwing up and everything

But I was very sad because on Valentine's Day the entire class exchanges little candies and stickers and cheesy cards that had super hero's and some weird saying

And I wanted candy

So my mom was like alright alright let's go in then I'll bring you right home

I remember getting home and there being snow on the ground, I got out of the car and just puked on the snow to the left of the garage

So yea good thing I didn't do hat at school

But I had candy so maybe that's why I threw up

Also the more I think about it the more I believe this was first grade

Second grade must've been st Patrick's Day

Ok so she(my teacher) is reading a story about something I forget what

And my ear is hurting the whole day like a bitch, so I tell her this before the story and she says if it still hurts after the story I can go down to the nurse's office

Story ends, ear still hurts

I go down and the nurse is like ok ear infections you're going home

And I go yay going home!

And my dad gets there and he does that weird thing where he's like checking to see if my glands or swollen or something idk what it is

And he's like 'btw you have strep throat'

And I go oh shit, you know what I bet it's from that butch who coughed on me last week

Maybe it was idk

Anyways I'm sick for a couple of days whatever no big deal it's second grade

Not that hard to catch up

Also I loved my teacher

I would play with her engagement ring(it was loose fitting so I could slide it on and off and on and off)

And such

Also we had a thing where people were the Star of the Week

So this happened maybe a week or so in so we could fit everybody inter year

So one day you'd have a special guest come and read a story

Next day you'd bring in a poster with pictures of you when you were smaller

Stuff like that

So I actually still have my poster in my room but it's behind a bunch of stuff so I can't get a decent picture to show y'all

But I know there's two pictures with different fish

One where in my mom's bathroom I rolled out all the toilet paper plus an extra one onto the ground

Another where I'm in a drawer pulling skirts and such out of my sister's drawer

And another where I'm eating cake when I'm one so you know it's all over the place

And maybe one of when I was bowling and got a spare or maybe a strike

So yea

Second grade wasn't that interesting gotta be honest

Me and the teacher occasionally write letters back and forth but I haven't heard from her in quite a few years

So yea

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