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Because why the fuck not

I'm gonna share memories from all my grades up to 10th because I need a life

Starting with kindergarten

For you non Americans it's before first grade in the school system and it's not necessarily required but it's like getting to know shapes and numbers and a tad bit of reading

Ok so on my elementary school kindergarten was split up

It was half day, so there was a morning class and an afternoon class

I was in the afternoon class with Noah

My parents decided we should be together this year so if we needed each other we'd be there and shit

I was the loneliest motherfucker in that entire class I swear to god

I had one friend, maybe two

I enjoyed playing with rocks at recess(I was looking for dinosaur bones in two inch deep gravel) all by myself

So that was fun

Also I was bullied on the bus ride.

I was He first one on, but no the last one off which I thought was stupid back then

We'd ride a small bus in, then a big normal bus home

So it was on the rides in

There were three other girls, plus me, in the front row

And all the boys were in the back being quiet as fuck

Jk they were obnoxious

So one girl would pull on the string of my backpack(I think it was Dora the Explorer) And I'd fall backwards and they'd pretend I was a baby who just shit themselves

Not fun

But then my bus driver asked me if I wanted assigned seats

I said yes and she let me pick who I wanted to sit with

Best decision of my life

Only good one I swear

So I (naturally) picked the quietest boy in the class

My friend Zac

And let me tell you, only good thing I've done all my life

Bitch if you're reading this thank you for everything

Anyways Zac was the last one on the bus, then we'd make three turns one after another and were at school

So we didn't get the chance to socialize a whole lot but that's ok

And in the afternoon we rode different buses

Only friend I had in kindergarten I swear to god

I was the quietest kid in the class because I had loud mouth Noah by my side.

"Noah how was your day?" -idc anybody

"It was great! I drew a dinosaur and it's blue and I'm going to give it to my mommy when I get home!" -Noah

"That's awesome! Grace how was your day?" -Same rando

"..." -me

"Her day was great! She didn't draw anything but we hung out a lot and helped my get my backpack!" -Noah

Like no joke that's how it went

I got Noah's stuff while he chattered away

So my mom told this story at Thanksgiving

I got sick for about three days (not uncommon I used to get sick a lot when I was little)

And noah was freaking out.

'What do I do? What if I miss the bus? What if I loos something? What if this? What if that?'

And my parents were like 'omg let's call up our TA friend'

So she said she'd help him get on the bus and get everything he needed and not forget anything

So then noah catches what I have, but I'm all good

And my parents go

'Omg grace are you gonna be ok? Do you need any help getting on and off the bus? Can you find the classroom alright? Do you need assistance?!?!'

And I go

'No im fine'

And go about my day perfectly fine

Y'all props to me I'm the only reason noah got through kindergarten alive

Go me I deserve my fucking chromosome

Give it back noah


So yea that was kindergarten

I had one friend and I wanted to be a bus driver when I grew up

Meanwhile noah had like five and wanted to be a pro soccer player

Woo hoo go me

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