||Their dreams and devotions||

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"You've never been scared in any of your adventures?" she asked, settling herself comfortably beside him.

Jan paused for a moment, his gaze drifting towards the vast, star-studded sky. "Not really," he replied, a wistful note in his voice. "I got this side from my Anneim. I preferred the silence, the sound of the crickets, the darkness. It never scared me."

Sanem listened to him, her gaze fixed on the melting sun as it tainted the sky with hues of red and orange. "I also dreamt of roaming like this, without any restraint," she mused, a wistful note in her voice. "Anneim always told me I could do anything, but only after getting married to my husband. I was so silly, imagining myself walking through the forests of pine with my husband and our baby." She sighed, a touch of nostalgia in the sound.

Suddenly, Sanem realized the gravity of her words and quickly apologized, "I... I mean, it was just some teenage dream." Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment at having shared such a personal thought.

But Jan was captivated, his eyes shining with a newfound excitement. At her last few words, he felt a surge of emotion coursing through him. A child, born out of love with Sanem – the very thought sent his heart racing. He knew pregnancy could be difficult, but he was determined to ensure that when that moment came in their lives, he would do everything in his power to provide Sanem with the best care and support.

Reaching out, Jan gently took Sanem's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Sanem," he said, his voice soft yet filled with conviction, "I would be honored to share that dream with you, whenever you're ready."

Sanem's eyes widened, her breath catching in her throat as she realized the depth of his words. Slowly, a smile blossomed on her face, and she squeezed his hand in return, knowing that with Jan by her side, her girlhood dreams could someday become a beautiful reality.

Sanem wanted to steer the conversation in a different direction, so she asked, "So when did you join the company if you were busy with your adventures?"

Jan's expression softened as he recalled those difficult times. "I joined the business when things were looking pretty ugly. My dad had just suffered a severe brain stroke, and we were on the verge of going bankrupt," he explained.

He couldn't help but admire Sanem's spirit. While his ex-girlfriend Polen would have complained about having to hike through the mountains instead of lounging in a lavish honeymoon suite, Sanem was eagerly following him, her eyes shining with curiosity as he pointed out the sights around them.

Polen would have just said, 'That's so bland! Why can't we just go to a fancy restaurant instead of getting bitten by mosquitoes?'Jan chuckled internally.

Sanem, on the other hand, was clumsy but equally adventurous. As the sky darkened, they set up their tent in a cozy spot, ready to embrace the rugged charm of the great outdoors.

Jan wiped the sweat from his brow as he tossed the last of the wooden logs onto the growing pile. His chiseled, sun-kissed muscles glistened in the warm afternoon light as he gazed proudly at his work. With firewood collected, he could now focus on other matters - like the alluring Sanem waiting for him inside their tent.

Jan ducked through the flap, stepping into the cozy confines of their temporary abode. The air was still, save for the sound of Sanem's quiet gasp as she hurriedly covered herself. She had been in the middle of changing, her damp hair and fair skin a tantalizing sight.

Jan felt the fire within him ignite, his pulse quickening at the sight of her near-naked form. Without a word, he closed the distance between them, his intense gaze locking with hers. Sanem shuddered, knowing she was powerless to resist his advances.

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