Prologue: A Past Memory

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3 years ago
It was a Friday morning, getting ready for school like usual. I was a freshman in high school, although it was spring so I wouldn't be a freshman for long. I attended school at Lucksinburk High which was a rich public school in the small town I lived in. I wasn't popular at school, to be honest actually I was around people who were outcast which was good since I didn't like standing out.
Today was the day my dad finally took some time off to spend sometime with my mom and I. He was a businessman so he rarely had time to see us. My mom was a stay at home mom and I was an only child.
"Are you ready to go to school?" My dad yelled up the stairs
"Yeah, I'm almost ready. Remember we have to pick up Avery on the way to school." I shouted down stairs trying to decide which shoes to wear with my outfit. Avery was my best friend since we were little kids, we use to be neighbors until she moved to the community next to ours.
My dad dropped us off at school after picking up Avery. "Bye Em, see you when you get home." My dad said as i unbuckled my seat belt.
"See ya Bret. By the way I'm going over to Avery's house after school." I told him as I exited the car.

"Man is your dad smokin' hot!" Avery stated as soon as we left my dad's car.
"Ew Avery, that's my father who is married to my mom and they had me together!" I explained to Avery who never thought of my dad as off the market.
Avery has this thing with older guys that are way out of her league and would be illegal if she dated them but she doesn't care. She already had so many boyfriends that she did who knows what to them. Most of them are college guys that she takes a liking to.
"What! So now I can't check out your super sexy dad. It's not like the guys here are that attractive." She pouted pushing up her lips to make her look innocent.
We both just laughed about it as we made our way to 1st period class. I had algebra 2 which I hated but was good at. I was a brainiac when it came to school. We had a test today and I sure didn't want to take the test since I hardly studied. I never really had any classes with Avery because she was in all standard class except we both were in Gym together and never did anything but talk in that class.

As the teacher was passing out the test, a person over the intercom said "Can send Emma McCarther down to the Principle's office." Everyone then looked at me and started whispering stuff about me.
"I heard that her best friend got in trouble again and she said that Emma did it that way she didn't get expelled."
"I heard that her parents told the school that she couldn't be around her slut of a friend anymore."
I stood up and immediately went straight to the main office. I never had my name called down to the principles office. I got to the door and took a deep breathe in knowing that those things they said were false accusations. I pushed the door open.
Immediately I saw my dad and my mom sitting in the chairs closest to me. The principle had a stern look on his face. My mother then finally spoke up after 20 seconds of awkward silence, "Honey, we came to the principal to tell him that you'll be leaving for a couple of days. Today your coming home. We need to talk about something important with you."

We got in the car and drove home. I was so confused as to why I had a leave of absence. I just stayed quiet and looked out the window. We got home and went inside to the living room. There was a women sitting on the couch. She look as though she was in her mid 40's. She had dirty blonde hair and eyes that were crystal green like mine. I knew as soon as she started to say hello to both my parents and I, that she was Jennifer Aniston. She was an actress on this show I loved to watch called Friends.
"Emma, I don't know how to say this but your not our daughter." My dad told me.
"What? Are you saying that she's my mom? That's silly, right?" I asked acting calmly on the outside but was freaking out on the inside. No one answered my question which got me think that I might be right.
"Hi baby girl!" Jen said almost crying as her voice cracked a little.
I didn't know what to do so I just stood there all starstruck about this whole thing. My heart was telling me to hug my real mom but my brain was telling me that it had to be a joke.
"Okay. So why are you here? Why didn't you keep me with you?" I said getting louder and angrier as I talked.
"It wasn't like I didn't want you. I did! My management told me otherwise that having you would be a mistake as it'd be bad for publicity and bad for the divorce that happened right after you were born. So I gave you up for adoption to 2 of my closest friends who just happened to want a kid of their own. I came back because I told myself when you turned 15 that I would come back and tell you the truth. It's your decision whether you want to stay here and live a normal life or come live with me." She explained everything to me.
I so desperately wanted to meet my dad and the only way to do that would to go live with Jen. I couldn't just leave my family that raised me behind. I had to have time to think about it.

•Next Morning•
I thought all night last night and all morning about this. I was sure that my decision was absolutely right and what I did would be best for everyone.
I went down stairs to talk with my parents, I mean adopted parents, and Jen, my mom. Well that is going to have to getting use to.
"Mom, Dad, Jen, I made up my mind." I told them with a slight whisper.
"You sure about this? You can have a week to think about your decision. You don't have to rush yourself." My adoptive mother told me.
"I'm positive. I want to meet my father. I need to meet him in person. That way he knows that I'm his daughter. I still want to see you guys." I said referring to my adoptive parents. "I'll never forget to visit. I do want to see Avery as she is my best friend. That's my decision." I stated making it very clear that I was leaving

I left my small town on the East Coast to travel the big city of Hollywood, California. It was a big step for me but doing this was going to make my world change completely.

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