ⅪⅩ. The Glass Spying Ball

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It took roughly seven and a half seconds after Harry told me what had happened with Umbridge for everything to go to shit

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It took roughly seven and a half seconds after Harry told me what had happened with Umbridge for everything to go to shit.

Even I surprised myself if I'm going to be honest. I didn't think I was capable of such rage, not since the whole situation with Annabeth and Akhlys down in Tartarus anyways. But nonetheless here I was, skipping first period potions to give Umbridge a piece of my mind.

Anger boiled deep in my system, as hot as lava. It churned within, hungry for destruction, as I marched up to the DADA classroom where Umbridge taught. There was no excuse for what she had done. What kind of sick creature does what she did?

And what about Dumbledore?

That's right, Dumbledore did nothing to stop it. He was the most powerful wizard, feared even by my grandfather, the so-called Dark Lord, and you're telling me he didn't know? Didn't know what she was capable of? Didn't know what was happening in his own school?

No, he had to have been aware. He knew and he willingly ignored it. Just like Severus said that day in Diagon Alley.

"He keeps sending out kids to die."

Well I wasn't going to let anything else happen to this kid. He's gone through enough already.

In the past month I've really grown to like Harry. We may have started off on the wrong foot, what with him accusing me of being a wizard Nazi and all, but I was starting to think of him almost as a little brother.

And if there's one thing I know about siblings, only you're allowed to mess with them. If someone else hurts them, all hell breaks loose.

I kicked the stone door of the DADA classroom and let it bang against the painted pink wall. I could feel some of the stone crack but I couldn't tell wether it was the door, the wall, or both. The whole class turned towards me like hawks, including Umbridge.

"Mr. Jackson." She put her hand over her heart as if hurt but I knew better. She didn't have one. "What is the meaning of this."

I hadn't realized it but this was actually Harry's class I had barged into. Harry wasn't here because I left him on the steps before the Great Hall but his whole class was. I was met with stares from both the Gryffindors and the Slytherin. This was going to turn awkward but at the moment, I didn't care.

"Oh you fucking know what the meaning of this is. Do the words blood, ink, and pen ring a bell for you? Cause they sure fucking do for me!" I could feel myself red in the face and shaking with rage.

"Mr. Jackson, calm yourself before I have you suspended! I have no idea what you're talking about now please, leave my classroom."

Her pretending to not know what I was talking about only made me angrier. I felt a deep rumbling sound and I knew what was about to happen. I don't know if you've noticed but, whenever I get mad toilets seem to... explode. The pipes burst releasing sewer water all over the classroom.

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