ⅩⅤⅠⅠ. The Fear of Falling Apart

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It's not that I was mad that I was a Slytherin, all these house stereotypes didn't matter to me

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It's not that I was mad that I was a Slytherin, all these house stereotypes didn't matter to me. The trio told me stories about how evil Slytherin was and how all the worst wizards, including my grandfather, were from Slytherin. But that really didn't matter to me. It was stupid and childish to lump people into good and evil based on what dorm room a talking hat assigned them to. The world wasn't that black and white. Anyway, when did ambition ever become a bad thing?

No, what bothered me was the hats reasons for putting me there. He said I was power thirsty, that I loved the feeling of being in control.

And the more that I thought about it, the more I realized that it was right.

But I didn't want it to be.

More than anything.

"So you're from America?"

It was the blonde haired boy that had introduced himself to me right after my sorting, Slytherin Prefect Draco Malfoy.

"Oh yeah, good ol' US of A!"

He snorted, "I've never been outside of the UK. I didn't even realize there was a wizarding world outside of Europe."

"Yeah," I remembered my quick background lesson with Hermione. "There's almost no magic across the sea." That was a big lie. Manhattan was almost destroyed by my titan grandfather and his army of monsters only about two years ago. There's a huge evil labyrinth under California and one of the entrances into the Underworld is in Central Park. But sure, magic in the US is fleeting.

"Oh really?" He seemed curious. "How come?"

We were walking down some moving stairs which filled me with a firm desire to be elsewhere.

"Well, years ago the pilgrims hunted down anyone they suspected of having magic and killed them. The most famous was the Salem Witch Trials." We learned all about the Salem Trials, many demigods were actually murdered because they were suspected of being witches. It was funny how humans always sought to destroy those who were different. That's why I loved Camp Half-Blood, everyone was welcome.

Anyway, Draco fell silent. In the future his father would do the exact same to muggleborns in the name of the Dark Lord, but he couldn't have known that yet. Unless he always suspected... After a while he spoke up again.

"The world really is cruel."

I hadn't noticed that the group had come to a stop so I walked straight into the blonde.

"Watch it, Jackson. Out of the way first years, this is your prefect coming through."

Once he had gotten to the front of the crowd he put his hand on the wall and turned around.

"This is the Slytherin common room, remember it because I won't be here to help you next time. To enter you have to say the password which will be updated on the bulletin board every fortnight. If you forget it you'll have to go beg the Hufflepuffs to let you into their common room. Understood?"

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