ⅩⅢ. The Wand Chooses the Demigod

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Finally, it was about to get interesting.

The legal mumbo jumbo and exposition was over with, it was time to get some real adventure into my system. To see some magic!

By adventure I of course mean my school supply shopping.


The funnest part about school was always picking out your supplies, and since I got expelled a lot I had lots of chances to pick out new notebooks from Walmart.

Now imagine that, with magic.

I wasn't being sarcastic when I called the upcoming day an adventure.

With all honesty I couldn't wait to go to Diagonal Alleyway. Then again I also love exploring Target.

"So you're telling me that it's an alley, with magic shops?"

"Exactly." Hermione was more than happy to give me the whole history of Digital Alley when I asked. The way she went off topic and started explaining random things to me reminded me of Annabeth. Except instead of architecture Hermione was a fan of history.

"So... is it like a black market? Can I buy a magical liver that could even withstand my ex-stepfathers drinking?"

"There is a darker side where you might find some poison maybe? But I doubt there's wizards selling livers."

"Hmm... Why not?"


If these wizards were so powerful, after all they knew magic, why didn't they use it to help actual people? How hard is it to solve world hunger when you have the power to make anything appear? They have all these potions that can see the future so how hard would it be to find a cure for cancer? Am I thinking too deeply into this? Probably.

"Anyway, nice talking to you Hermione. I'm going to go find out when Snape wants to take me shopping." I jumped up to my feet and dipped out of the room. When I was running down the stairs I bumped into Harry who would have gone tumbling down had I not caught him.


He shook his head. "If you're looking for Snape he told me to tell you to meet him out front."

"Oh you read my mind. Can you wizards read minds?"


"That would be creep no? Imagine you're just thinking about what you're gonna eat. And suddenly, someone knows what you're gonna eat!"


"I like my privacy. My mind, my rules you know? I can't imagine sharing my mind with someone. That's like sharing a toothbrush. I don't want to share my-"

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