ⅩⅩⅩⅠⅠⅠ. Quidditch is for Wizard Chads

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"So, I just sit on the broom?"

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"So, I just sit on the broom?"

As I stood in the middle of the wizard football field, I began to regret letting Severus convince me to try out for the quit it team or whatever it was called. It combined the two things I hated most, flying and highschool sports teams, into one.

"Obviously," snorted Draco, in the cold weather his pale face started matching the color of Ron's hair. "Unless you want to just hang on. I hope you have a lot of upper body strength cause the fall isn't going to feel too good."

I gulped. I could feel a lump of panic starting in the pits of my stomach and working its way up to my throat. "Are there any ground roles available? Like maybe field janitor..."

Blaise threw his arm around me laughing. "You're hilarious, you know that?" He stopped laughing and grabbed my shoulders, turning me around so he could stare into my soul. "Now get on the fucking broom."

The lump in my throat from my fear of heights was quickly replaced by my fear of Blaise. As a demigod I was pretty confident that I could take him in a fight but his big beefy muscles instilled a fear in me I hadn't known before.

I put the piece of wood between my legs and bit back the urge to make an inappropriate joke. "What now?"

"Just kick off and fly."

I mumbled to myself as I mentally prepared to be launched into the air on nothing more than a magic stick. "Wow. Simple. Just fly Percy, it's not that hard. I can't believe you don't know how to command a stick to levitate into the air. I bet Jason and Thalia can fly on a broom with no problem. Stupid children of Zeus. Stupid flying wizards. Stupid magic football."

Through my rambling I hadn't noticed that I had risen far above the ground. Draco, Blaise, and the rest of the Slytherin looked like tiny ants from my vantage point high in the clouds.

"Oh Zeus almighty." I'm not the praying type, I don't believe in it. Sure the gods exist and all, I've literally met them, but I don't think they're worth worshiping. However today I made an exception as a greek prayer to Zeus erupted out of my mouth.

"Ο πατέρας Δίας, προστάτης των αδύναμων, με βοηθάει να είμαι δυνατός ενάντια στους φόβους μου. Ο πατέρας Δίας, προστάτης των αδικημένων, βοήθησέ με να κάνω σωστά από όσα συναντώ. Ο πατέρας Δίας, προστάτης του σπιτιού, με βοηθάει να προστατέψω εκείνους μέσα στα τείχη μου. Πατέρα Δία, βοήθησέ με να κάνω ό, τι πρέπει, να είμαι μαζί μου καθώς περπατώ στον κόσμο."

By the time I had finished the last verse pleading Zeus for his protection, I was already back on the ground. Blaise ran up to where I had landed with Draco trudging slowly behind him.

The Grandson (Percy Jackson/Harry Potter Crossover)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora