Ⅻ. A Court of Wizards and Witches

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I woke up early the next morning to the scent of fresh French toast. Although it was only 5am, Grinwauld Place was buzzing with the voices of the Order. I quickly changed and ran downstairs, no way was I going to let them hold another meeting without me.

When I ran downstairs however, there was no meeting going on. Most of the Order was sitting around a table and just, laughing. It seemed out of place almost. With the threat of Voldemort looming high, there hadn't been much time for joy. Percy was in a deep conversation with Sirius which I hadn't expected from them, but when he saw me he got up.

"Harry! How are you?"

"Ummm," How was I? That was a good question that I honestly didn't know the answer to. I felt almost numb, as if everything that had happened in the past week was nothing more than a dream. "I'm fine. A little nervous I guess."

"That's good, you should be nervous. It means your minds working like it should." He smiled and ruffled my hair and I didn't really mind. He took his hand away and shoved it into his pocket.

"Anyway... tell me what happened yesterday."

Percy was there with me so it was a little weird for him to be asking. Then again, this was Percy. "Well, we flew to Privet Drive..."

He cut me off. "Flew on what?"

I distinctly remember flying on something big and hairy but that was impossible. "On brooms obviously. Ron threw up off the side."

Percy seemed lost deep in thought for a second. "Hmm, and what happened at Privet Drive?"

"My uncle, I think something happened to him." I couldn't explain it. Even though it had only happened yesterday, my mind seemed foggy. Almost as if a certain mist was blocking out my memories."

"He fell down, tripped out of a window. Only once. Don't worry though, the best doctor I know is looking after him. Hes sort of a god when it comes to medicine." Percy smiled at me again, this time there was no warmth behind it.

"Why are you asking me these weird questions."

"I'm just trying to figure out if you're really okay, after yesterdays trauma and all." Something was going on but I was too out of it to place my finger on it.

That's when Mrs. Weasley broke the awkwardness and called me over.

"Harry darling, come and sit. You're going to need a lot of energy today and I have the perfect solution for that." Her solution was a whole royal breakfast. My skinny ass could not.

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