ⅩⅩⅤ. Let's Tango

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The merciless bright beam of sunlight attacked me as soon as I opened my eyes

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The merciless bright beam of sunlight attacked me as soon as I opened my eyes. It was as if Apollo himself had designed my punishment. I imagined him in a floral pink hawaiian shirt, khakis, and long colorful socks with sandals, standing on top of his golden chariot and waving his finger at me.

See Percy, don't do drugs. Avoid a tragic death, stay away from crystal meth. Only you can prevent forest fires!

The pounding in my head would not go away. All around me I could hear a faint murmuring sound, like the static right before the TV blows up because of your demigod powers. Only after a few minutes did I come around and realize that the murmur was actually the moaning of the other students. A woman was running around back and forth with a thermometer and multiple vomit buckets.

"Oh you're awake!" she yelled, making my head ring even more and encouraging another round of loud groaning among the Slytherin. She put down an empty vomit jar next to me and sat on my bed. "We were really worried about you, you know? I've never seen anyone with a case of alcohol poisoning as severe as yours. I'm honestly surprised you even made it through the night, you had enough of that toxic stuff in your bloodstream to kill eight centaurs."

I faintly remembered downing a whole bottle of vodka in one go, but with how miserable I felt, I guess even my demigod blood couldn't keep me from getting a massive hangover.

A familiar voice boomed around the room, when you're hungover, even a whisper sounds like Kronos waking up from his sleep. "Hey Percy is awake!"

Blaise sat across the room in a white hospital bed, Pansy laying and groaning in a similar one next to him. A white figure had pulled up a chair between them and sat criss-cross applesauce. Only after my vision had gotten used to the sunlight did I realize that it was Draco. I'm not gonna lie, he was so pasty that when the light fell on him, he could have been mistaken for a flashlight, or a piece of paper. If he dyed his hair black and put on some guyliner, he and Nico could have been emo buddies.

Blaise's exclamation had led to another round of groaning from the rest of the Slytherin. I decided to walk over to where they sat so that he wouldn't have to shout anymore and disturb more hungover teenagers. But as soon as I got up, I regretted it.

The ground seemed to practically sway under my feet and my vision turned black, like that of an anemic girls' on Zero Gravity. I slowly found my way to Madam Pomfreys abandoned medicine and vomit bucket cart, she was busy trying to help a first year barfing his guts out, and wheeled my way to the other side of the room. Let me tell you, driving a medicine cart while massively hungover feels like swimming across the Atlantic Ocean while your father decides to have a temper tantrum and throw random storms at strangers. So in conclusion, not fun.

As I made my brave journey across the dangerous Hogwarts infirmary, I saw a few people give me thumbs up, while others turned towards their friends at the sight of me. I had finally gotten to the other side and practically stumbled into Draco's lap. The blonde simply rolled his eyes and pushed me towards Blaises bed with his knee. He was reading an old worn out book with a weird creature on the front which obviously must have been more exciting than me. I didn't really mind. I made myself comfortable at the base of Blaise's bed, near his feet, and took him up in conversation.

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