😡 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐗𝐢𝐚𝐨 𝐙𝐡𝐚𝐧 😡

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Xiao Zhan's studio Weibo update 27/04/20

"Added to everyone, please don't hurt others"

It seems the antis started an unfounded false rumour that he Jiong invited XZ to a show he's on then antis started attacking him and making all sorts of rumours about him!

XIAOZHAN POSTED ON WEIBO: "sorry for affecting everyone, don't hurt others!"

what happened?

1. antis spread "rumors* that another celebrity wanted to help xiao zhan
2. antis bashed the other* celebrity for 3 days
3. xiao zhan made this weibo post to apologize for hurting the other celebrity
4. some top anti accounts were reported (possibly by XZ's company) and removed from weibo main takeaways:

1 xiao zhan stayed silent while everyone was bashing him for 2 months, but spoke up and apologized for when people hurt others (it wasn't his fault at all) T_T
2. shit's about to get real (hopefully)


Guys I have no words, after all they did, they are still attacking him. But why, why people always have to destroy other people. But we're kidding, but you realize the harm you can do to him. Xiao Zhan is a sensitive, kind and faithful person. He's probably the most beautiful person in this fucking world of shit ... If I run into one of you, I'll take you out, block you all and report you.
Fuck off...

You have to stop, to offend and to say terrible things to a person like Xiao Zhan is easy to hide behind a fucking mobile phone?
We all know that you are human shits that put poison in their words. You have to stop, because Xiao Zhan is a person who seems strong but then weak, like everyone else. But you suck at me because you are the waste of society, you can also go fuck yourself.

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