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Hi guys. I have things to tell you here so.I write them here .
Informations and my notes about the events that
have happened in these days:

1) on 26/01/2020 XiaO Zhan sings the song
Bamboo' (how many of you missed the detail of the song? Have you not found a clear reference to Wang Yibo? I'll try to be clearer then: in a bts of the series tv The Untamed . Xiao Zhan compared Wang Yibo to bamboo shoots) Bamboo, as Xiao Zhan said when compared to Wang Yibo, is a plant that folds but doesn't break. In other words, he is describing Wang Yibo as a person who knows how to adapt to every situation out changing his personality.
Basically Xiao Zhan showed in that description and comparison, his strong admiration for Wyb.

2) in the special episode of 'our song on 21/01/2020
Xiao Zhan sings the song entitled stars in the
sun (Question: Who is the sun? Who is the stars?).
There was also a sentence of the lyrics of the
song that Xiao Zhan changed on purpose (Who knows Chinese and knows which sentence I refer to, could you help me translate that piece? Thanks in advance) At the beginning of the song Stars al sun: the scenery behind Xiao Zhan, the screen just behind him. shows the little prince in plain sight hugging a star. That image of the little prince is his avatar on Weibo, updated a few weeks ago. Before, his avatar was the little prince who admired a rose. but now the little prince hugs a star. I repeat: Who is the star?

3) In the special episode of 'Our song of 28/01/2020.
during the team game where Xiao Zhan had to
guess through the mime of a boy of the team what the lyrics of the song were (you will surely have seen this scene). the song to guess quoted two tigers (like the song he sang to sponsor a film called two tigers' a few months ago) . coincidence' wants recently Dis (an MC of the Day Day Up program/ TTXS) asked Wyb: Who is your tiger?. Previously. as we all know by now Dis had always mentioned . (Seeing a childhood photo of Wyb on a tiger) that Xiao Zhan was a tiger 11 years ago Remember this episode? It's the TTXS episode where Xiao Zhan participated as a guest . Do all these details in a few days seem like coincidences? ) For those who still have doubts about what Na Ying can know I can only realize (from many of his affectionate provocations and jokes towards Xiao Zhan) that she really knows everything, just as the brothers of TTXS and many others in the world know Chinese entertainment. Let me explain better, she not only that Xiao Zhan is in love . But she also knows who he is in love with. Thanks for
your attention, I hope I have clarified some points that you might have missed, but above all I hope I have snatched a smile from you.


When filming The Untamed, YB had to film some complicated fight scenes so many times so his arms and waist were all wounded. XZ wanted to apply medicine to YB. but he is afraid of the medicine getting on YB's clothes making him uncomfortable while also losing its effectiveness. That evening XZ said he would apply medicine to YB. but he was still filming his scenes which were taking a long time while YB was already finished. There was an employee holding the medicine bottle who came and said that he would apply it for YB. but he was refused by YB: There is no need. I am waiting for XZ* However, because he was afraid that it would take a long time for XZ to finish filming the scenes he asked again. YB still said: "No, let XZ apply it" Finally it was late at night when everyone saw XZ apply medicine to YB.

At that time YB looked very obedient. XZ said to turn this way, and he (YB) would turn ther. (My note: XZ telling YB to turn his body whichever way to apply the medicine, and he did exactly what he was told.) XZ often compared YB to himself. Once when YB was drinking water XZ touched YB's prominent Adam's apple, but YB still didn't seem to care. When he finished drinking water he turned his head to ask XZ: "XZ. what are you doing? xz shook his head: "Nothing, your Adam's apple is very big, looks very nice." YB heard that and raised his head to say to XZ: "So will you continue touching? XZ shook his head.There was a time when XZ praised YB: "YB, why everything you do is so cute. you look so cute." And below is the unintentional action of XZ, but it looks very similar to someone. 😍😍😍😏😏😏😏 ...

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