Take A Chance

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Hey guys! I'm back with another G-Eazy story!! I've gotten such great feedback about the last one, I had to write another! I hope you guys love this story as much (if not more) as the last one! Enjoy!

"Step into my office."

"My man!" I went in to bro hug Boi-1da. "Wassgood bro?" He laughed. I walked into the studio and noticed we weren't alone. "Don't worry man, she's like my intern. She's learning." I nodded.

She looked away the second we made eye contact. Smart.

"Show me what you got and then I'll show you what I got." I spit my bars and he played his beat. The entire time shorty was intently listening then she would jot some shit down in her notebook.

We were at it for a good hour when Matt decided to take a break. "Hey can you go ahead and grab us all lunch please, you can choose the place." He handed her his card and she hesitantly took it and left.

"Who is she?" I asked once the door closed. "Alegra, goes by Aly. From east LA. She's a great lyricist. Wants to be a poet, but I think she'd be better at writing songs."

"How good is she?"

"Bro she's great. She often writes about her life and her family's experiences. It's touching, but she can write about anything. I haven't found the right person to put her up with because she's still inexperienced."

"How old is she?"

"20." Whew. "Lemme see some of her stuff." He leaned over and grabbed her notebook. It's filled with words, phrases, lines, scratch offs. Pages and pages just like this.

Ive been to hell and back and through it all remained the same me

I never gave a fuck, a million dollars couldn't change me

Always pass the test, what can I say? I'm grateful, I'm blessed

I think about the journey and think what it did to me

Don't got a minute to waste

Mask off I'm showing my face

They hate so much its a disgrace, I put them back into place

The more I continued to read, the more drawn in I was. I skipped a few pages and found a part of what I believe might be her life.

I set the notebook down as the doorknob twisted. "Thanks Aly." She nodded.

Mid sesh she had to leave. "You know what man. I'll take a chance on her."

"You sure?" I nodded. "Everyone's gotta start somewhere. I like her stuff so far. I already have ideas on where to place a few of the lines she has in her notebook."

"I wont see her till Thursday night, she's got school, but I'll let her know."

"She goes to school?"

"Yeah, community college."


Boi-1da POV-

"Hey Matt." Aly came in through the door. "Aye. Sit down, I need to talk to you." A wave of worry overcame her face. "It ain't bad I promise." I laughed.

"G read some of your stuff the other day. He wants you to write with him." Her jaws on the floor. "Stop, you're lying." I shook my head no and she burst into tears. "All the hard work is paying off. I told you it would. I'm proud of you Aly. I know he's working on his next album. He's currently back in the bay, but he'll be down tomorrow. Don't plan anything from tomorrow to Sunday." She nodded with eagerness. "I'm ready." I smiled. "I'll text you the details tomorrow morning."

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