First Anniversary

Start from the beginning

I looked up to see that tears were starting to come down her face, I stood up and hugged her tightly, "Oh, Sarah, I'm sorry," I rubbed her back, trying my best to comfort her.

She wipes the tears from her eyes, "I'm sorry,"

I hugged her tighter, "Don't apologize,"

"I should be focussed on you though,"

I shook my head, " I'd rather listen to you and comfort you, especially knowing you're upset, If we're a little late getting done, so what, the boys can wait, They'll understand,"

"You're right, I just feel bad that I'm taking time away from you and Zack celebrating your anniversary,"

"Don't feel bad, we have all night to be together, and all week at camp, We still have 45 minutes until they get here, If you do my hair, I'll do my makeup, that way it goes faster,"

"You're the best Lila,"

"Let me put my necklace on first,"

"Isn't that the one he got you for your birthday last year?"

"Yeah it is, I wear it every day,"

"Aww, I love that,"

"It's one of my favorite things that he's bought me, besides my Bible,"

"I remember that night, It was the night you got saved, and you guys started dating, I had a feeling he was going to ask you that night,"

"I'm glad he did, he made the night perfect,"

"Hey guys," Sarah and I both turn our heads to see Luke standing in the doorway

"She's almost ready, is Zack here yet?"

"Not yet, I just got here, I figured you were still getting her ready,"

"Yeah, I'm almost done with her hair, and she's doing her makeup to speed up the process,"

"You look beautiful Lila, Zack is going to be speechless when he sees you,"

"I hope so, It's been a while since I dressed up like this,"

"He's gonna love it, Lila, I agree with Luke, you look beautiful,"

"Thanks, guys, I think I'm ready,"

"Perfect timing, I heard the doorbell,"

"Let me get the gift and I'll be down in a second,"

I grabbed the gift bag, purse, and sprayed some body spray and walked downstairs.

Zack smiled as soon as he saw me, "You look beautiful Lila,"

"Thank you, you look good too,"

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go,"

"Have fun guys," Sarah says as we walked outside

Zack holds my hand, as we walk down the driveway, "I'm excited to spend the afternoon and evening together,"

"Me too, I've been looking forward to this forever,"

"I have too, I've been wanting to take my gorgeous girlfriend on a date,"

"I love you, I'm glad we get to go out tonight,"

"Me too, I'm hungry,"

"Me too, I haven't eaten today,"

"Me either, I didn't wake up until late,"

"I slept until almost 2:00, I couldn't sleep last night,"

"I stayed up late playing video games, why couldn't sleep?"

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