Chapter 33: Snowpoint city!

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Leaf's P.O.V.
"DAWNNNNN!" Misty screamed as she ran off the train. "Where on earth did you get that?!"
"What you should be asking is when did she get that picture." Drew said.
"No, what you should be asking is why do you like a guy called Ashy boy?" Gary laughed. "I mean you have others like m-"
"Be quiet Gary." I said, slapping him in the back of the head. He kneeled over anime style. It felt good.

"What's that picture you're looking at on your phone Mist?" Ash asked, peeping at Misty's phone.
"Gah! Nothing! Nothing!" Misty cried, stuffing her phone into the pocket of her coat and waving her hands franticly.
Ash sighed. "Suit yourself."
"Hey Ashy boy, I can show you if you want." Drew smirked.
"NONONO." Misty cried and tried to stop Ash from looking.

We were all dressed in winter clothes, despite the fact that it was Spring. The air was crisp and cold and the ground was covered in
"SNOW!!!" Dawn cried as she ran in circles around Paul.
"It's just snow." He grunted.

I started shivering. Maybe I should've worn my scarf and mittens after all. "Hey Leaf." Gary said.
"What do you want now." I snapped.
"You seem cold." He said.
"No i'm not." I said.
"Seriously Leaf. You're gonna get sick."
"I'm fine." I said.
"Here, have my scarf and mittens." Gary said, wrapping his scarf around my neck and placing the mittens on my hands.
"But what about you?" I asked.
"I'll be fine." He answered.
"No, have one." I slipped one of his mittens back onto his hand and we held each others' ungloved (or should i say unmittened :) ) hands to keep warm.

"Today, we will be going to battle the Snowpoint city gym!" Proffessor Oak announced. "I am expecting ALL of you to choose either a gym battle, a contest or both to do in this trip!"

"Where's the gym?" Ash asked, looking around. "Are we going by bus?"
"No, we're going to walk! Exercise!" Oak cried. Clemont sighed.

Later at the gym

"Woahh" i gasped. The gym was stunning. (A/N sorry but i can't actually remember what the snowpoint gym looks like)
"Nice right?" A girl cried running over. She had black hair in plaits.
"Yeah!" Ash screamed running over.
"Hey Ash! wait up!" Misty shouted.

"Are we all here now?" Prof.Oak asked. "Where's Clemont?"
"I'm here. . ." Clemont panted, tired.
"Ok now we're ready to battle! If you want to challenge the gym leader, stand here in a line, and if you don't want to challenge the gym, take a seat in the stands." Prof. Oak cried.

"Hi! I'm Candice, the Snowpoint City gym leader!" the girl announced. "I can't wait for an excellent battle!"
"Candice!" Zoey cried and pulled her into a hug.
"Oh hi Zoey!" Candice cried.

"Now let's battle!"

The challengers are:
And others (etc)

"I choose you! Grotle!"
"Go! Sneasel!"

Timeskip to the end of all battles

"Pika pi!" Pikachu cried.
"Yay! We just got the Icicle badge!" The challengers shouted(except for Paul, who just stared).
"Those were some great battles!" Candice cried.
I held my badge up to the light. The metal shined and it seemed to glow.
"Your pokemon really are stong now huh Leafy?" Gary said, coming up to me.
"Oh thanks." I said. "Your pokemon aren't bad either."
Gary laughed.
"Hey! Leaf! Misty!" Dawn cried.
"Eh?" I said.
"Are you gonna do the contest tomorrow??" May asked.

"I . . . dunno." I said.

Ahhhh sorry for not updating for such a long time. I found this in my drafts and was last edited probably around a few months ago. Since i wrote this story quite a while before my writing may have changed slightly in case you get confused if i write later chapters that seem a bit different. Uhh sorry againn. :( i'll try to update more but the teachers are giving more and more work and my schedule is getting a bit packed if i want to watch anime, do work, read webtoons and do my other hobbies as well so sorry again if i don't make chapters as frequently as i used to.

Question of the chapter!!
What are your favourite animes??

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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