Chapter 7: Serena's start

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Serena's P.O.V.

I burst up awake. "Fletchinder! What are you doing!" I cried.

"I told it to wake you up." My mum said, entering my room. "It's time for you to get ready for the plane."

"Ok mum!" I said and dashed into my bathroom.

My blonde hair was a mess! I quickly brushed it and styled it into a low ponytail with a pink ribbon. I then washed my face with cold water so that my blue eyes shone as I was more awake. Next, I put on a black tank top with a white collar, a red pleated skirt and black tights.

I ran out of the bathroom.

"Mum!" I screamed, "How do I look?"

"Perfect." she replied

"But there's something missing: a hat!" I said."Which one?"

"This one." My mum said, pointing to a brown checked hat. I chose the other one. It was pink and had a black bow and ribbon around it.
"NOW it's perfect." I said.

After my breakfast, I took my pink suitcase and my pink bag with a pokeball pattern on it. Then I stored my pokeballs in my bag apart from one.

"Go Fenniken!" I shouted.

"Fenniken!" My pokemon popped out.
"Time for your brush up!" I said.

Fenniken loves brush ups! It makes her fur all silky and beautiful. (☆_☆)My other pokemon were Pancham and Sylveon.

My mum rushed over to me.

"Serena, it's time for you to go. Here's your flight ticket."

She passed me a small blue ticket.

"Will I be travelling by myself?" I asked nervously.

"No, I let you and your friend, the Lumiose gym leader travel together. Is that ok?"

"Yes!" I cried.

Clemont is one of my best friends. He's fun and kinda geeky but that's cool!

I put on my black trainers and hat and took my suitcase.

"Bye Mum!" I cried.

I ran off to the Lumiose gym where I saw a figure standing outside the gym reading a map. He had bright blonde hair with a lightning bolt shaped bit sticking up at the top, light blue eyes behind big round glasses. He was wearing his usual: a blue shirt with jeans that had a yellow stripe and a pair of black trainers. He had a yellow backpack with buttons on it that released inventions and a yellow and blue striped suitcase.

"Clemont!" I shouted.

I'm so happy to be travelling with him!

Clemont's P.O.V.

A voice shouted. I turned around and Serena practically almost knocked me over with a giant flying hug attack.

"Hey Serena!" I said.

"Are you coming to the airport with me?" She asked.

"Yep!" I replied, "We're going to the same school!"

"Yay!" Serena screamed

"Lets go!" I shouted and tugged her across the path. Together, we ran to the airport, following the directions on the map. I had bought along Chespin, Bunnelby and Luxray.

"Here we are!" I declared, and closed my map. In front of us was the Lumiose City airport. It was huge! We dashed inside the doors. I stopped to admire the architechture (it's amazing!) but then we heard an anouncement.

"Passengers for flight number 4573299, please make your way to waiting room 37. Your flight will be here shortly."

"Hurry!" Serena shouted and dragged me to room 37. There, a line was forming with people trying to get on the plane. At last, we got to the front. "Tickets please for flight 4573299 to Eterna City, Sinnoh."
"Here." Serena said and held out her ticket. But where was mine?
"Oh no Clemont! Where's yours?" Serena asked, hurridly patting my jean pockets and getting annoyed. "At this rate we won't be able to go!"
"Don't worry!" I shouted, "The future is NOW thanks to SCIENCE!" I pushed a button on my bag and my latest invention popped out. "Behold, the Ambipom Arm!" I exclaimed. It was long and had a hand shaped like Amipom's tail. "Find my ticket!" I ordered. It searched through my bag and pulled out my ticket! "Here you go." I said and gave it to the person. Everyone was staring at me. This was kind of embarrassing. "Lets go!" Serena cried and we ran to the airplane where we sat on our seats.

The next day

"We're almost there Clemont!" Serena cried desperately." Just hold it in a bit longer!" I needed to throw up really badly. Perhaps it was the fact that we were a load of meters off the ground or maybe it was the food. The food! Ugh. I hoped never again to eat that thing. Serena herself seemed fine, daintilly eating all in her silver tray. I on the other hand gagged as soon as the food's odour crept to my nose and had spent the rest of my flight holding the air sickness bag. The humiliation! Luckily, I had stored a few snacks in my bag.

"Here." Serena said, slipping a peice of bright pink gum in my mouth. "This will prevent ear ache as the plane is landing now and it will also keep your mouth shut!"
"Thanks." I groaned through a mouthfull of gum. Mmm. Strawberry flavoured. The plane landed and sunlight flared through the window. We had arrived!

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