Chapter 4: the Ferry (Kanto)

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Misty's P.O.V.

Ding Dong!

The bell sound vibrated around the dining room. From outside, I heard the sounds of 2 people arguing about oak? Searching through my brain, I figured that it must be Gary and Leaf. They argue almost as much as me and Ash do! Almost. I opened the front door.

"Hey Misty!" Leaf cried.

She is wearing a blue top and a red skirt. She also had blue legwarmers that matched her top and red and white trainers and a white and red hat.

"Are you ready to go?" Gary asked, who was standing behind Leaf.

"Yep!" I replied.

"I am too!" Cried Ash.

He seemed to have finished his pancakes.

"Hey Ashy boy! Didn't see you here!" Gary teased.

"This is my house. How could you not see me here??" Ash asked, bewildered.

"I dunno."

(Later on the ferry port)
The scenery was amazing. The sky is blue and the sea sparkled brightly. A breeze of sea air wafted to my nose and I took it in happily.

"The ferry's here!" Leaf shouted, excitedly.

"I can see it!" Ash cried.

"Pika!" Pikachu squealed, riding on Ash's shoulder.

It was a magnificent white ship with a large inside area. We ran hurridly across the port, the soggy wood creaking beneath our feet.

"Tickets please!" The captain shouted.

One by one, we each gave our tickets to him to be ripped slightly (to show that they were seen) and we darted into the boat.

"Ship cabin 61..." i muttered.

"Here it is! " Leaf said. "I'm in the same one as you!"

"And we're in the one next to you!" Gary and Ash shouted.

I ran into my cabin and dumped my bag and suitcase on a bed.

"Bagsie this one!" I cried.

"Fine." Leaf laughed and put her belongings on the other bed.

I took a look around the cabin. It had a 2 beds next to the 2 walls that were either side of the door. There was a bedside table next to each bed and a pokeball shaped nightlight plugged in one of the sockets that was on a wall. In between the beds, opposite the door, there was a round window which overlooked the sea's horizon. There were 2 small cabinets under the window and a few leaflet/magasines about where we were headed to on a shelf above the window. Leaf picked one up and started reading it while I peered on the shelf. There were a few maps for Sinnoh too. That's where we are going to go as our school is there. A small door was near a bed. I opened it and peered inside. It was a bathroom! Inside, there was a shower, a sink and a toilet. Colourful soaps lined the sink in various packaging and 2 pastel blue cups stood on a glass shelf above the sink. A mirror hung above that shelf and peering into the shower cubicle, I saw a small sample bottle of shampoo and conditioner. Snowy white towels were in a cupboard under the sink.

"Wow." Leaf said. Somehow she had crept in behind me.

"I know. It's beautiful." i said.

"So luxurious! And the best part? It's all for free!(apart from the ferry ticket but at least we don't need to pay for anything else!)" Leaf exclaimed.

The day soon passed swiftly. We spent our time lounging on the deck, sunbathing, eating snacks, enjoying the scenery and just chilling. At night, we ate in the dining cabin and then slept in our rooms under warm sheets and soft white pillows.

"I could get used to this..." Leaf murmured in her sleep.

Tomorrow, we would arrive in Sinnoh!

Pokemon Question of the chapter:
What is your favourite pokemon?

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