Chapter 6: the Start of a Rose

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Drew's P.O.V.
This morning, I woke up early and raced into the bathroom. Hair care first! See that shinyness my hair has? That's because I use 15 blobs of spcial shine shampoo every time I wash my hair! By the way, it's a natural colour.

After brushing my teeth, I put on my black long sleeve T shirt, a purple jacket and a pair of turquoise trousers. I packed the stuff I would need to bring to Sinnoh into my mint green suitcase and backpack.

I threw a pokeball.
"Go! Roselia!" I shouted.

"Roselllia!" It cried.

I stuffed 4 pokeballs in my pocket : I couldn't leave without my pokemon! I bought along roselia, flygon, absol and leafeon.

With Roselia on my shoulder, we ran to the train station in Petalburg city which surprisingly took a long time. At noon, we arrived at the station and I bought a chicken burger for myself and a bag of pokemon food for Roselia at the station cafe. At 4 pm, the train arrived and I got onto the train tn the midst of all the other people.

I sat down on Seat 55 in carriage C  next to a girl with brown hair and a red bandana.
"Hey." I said.

"Hey." She replied, then went back to watching something on her phone. Roselia sat in my lap for some reason while I read a pokemon magazine about pokemon contests. It even had an article about Solidad, the Top Co-ordinator! One day, I want to be a top co-ordinator. The best.

When the food trolley came, the girl bought a pasta and I bought a sandwich for me and a can of soup for Roselia. I watched her eating everything with gusto. Afterwards, I watched a few contest performances on youtube and listened to a few of my favourite songs. I turned around and was about to start up a conversation with that girl next to me but she seemed to be asleep! Her book lay on her face but then flopped off after she tried to turn over. I picked it up and placed it carefully in her yellow bag. "What's your name?" I asked quietly.
"May." She replied, half-asleep.

Hey! I'm really proud that I've done 6 chapters so far! It kinda seems like a lot of chapters before I get to the exciting opening of school. :( I'm going to try and update every day though.

Pokemon Question of the Chapter:
Who is your favourite poke girl?

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