Chapter 5: the Start of the Journey

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May's P.O.V.
Waking up has never been an easy task.

"Mayyy!" my annoying little brother screamed.

"Whatt? Go away Max!" I groaned.

"Mummy told me to wake you up so you could go on time." Max whined. "It's 11am already!"

"Wait what?!" I screamed, bolting awake. "What happened to my alarm clock?"

"I may or may not have dismantled it so I could play with its gears." he said sheepishly.

"Aghh." I grumbled.

Stumbling out of bed, I brushed my hair and teeth then put on my red jacket, white skirt, blue shorts and my favourite red bandana with a pokeball pattern. I sat down at the kitchen table and helped myself to a breakfast of bacon rashers, eggs, toast and orange juice ehich I bolted down. Food is my best friend!

Hurridly, I grabbed my bag and suitcase then ran towards the door.

"Bye honey!" Mum cried.

"Bye Mum, bye Dad, bye Max!" I shouted as I left the house after grabbing a sandwich for my lunch and my pokeballs (blaziken, glaceon, skitty, beautifly).

I only arrived at the train station at 2pm. Sitting down at a small wooden bench near the station, I began to eat my lunch of a peanut butter and jam sandwich, a bag of crisps, a packet of oreos, an apple and a carton of blackcurrant juice.

At 4pm, the train arrived. I boarded and sat in my place:seat 54, carriage C. The seats were large and comfy and had a patern of red and white pokeballs on them.

"Hey." A guy came and sat next to me. I supposed that that was his seat. He had odd green hair. Was it dyed? It seemed natural but who has green hair? "Hey." I replied. The rest of the journey was in silence. I watched a couple of movies on my phone and slowly ate my way through a large pack of multiflavoured crisps. Soon, the train hostess (A/N is this even a thing??) came by with a food trolley. "I'll buy a pasta meal please." I said. The meal came. It had steaming tomato pasta with meatballs and came with a pot of soup. Mmm delicious. After that, I placed in my earphones and started to read my book. Once upon a time, there was a young girl... and I drifted off to sleep.

Pokemon question of the chapter:
What is your favourite pokemon game?

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