Chapter 14: the first lesson!

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Dawn's P.O.V.
"Wooh!" I screamed. I'm a bit hyper right now because I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!! I can't wait! "Guys!" I shouted, "One hour till school starts!"

"Shouldn't we have some food first?" May grumbled.
"Yeah, I'm hungry." Leaf muttered.
"I know!" Misty cried," I'll make some breakfast!"
"Yay!" Leaf shouted, brighting instantly.
"What should we have?" Misty asked.
"PANCAKES!" May screamed.
"Pancakes it is." Misty agreed.
"YESS! Misty's pancakes are the best!" Leaf exclaimed.
"They have to be! I feed an ASH for goodness sake." Misty commented.

Misty made pancakes in a kitchen that was shared by the two dorms that were next to each other (e.g. the Ash's groups dorm and Misty's groups dorm share a conjoined kitchen.)


"Food's ready!" Misty announced, carrying a large plate stacked high with pancakes. "Food?" Suddenly, the door burst open and revealed Ash standing there. "I need food! Pancakes? I need pancakes!!!" He ran over to the kitchen and sat down. The other boys came over too, as did the girls. "I hope there's enough for us!" A guy with green hair said. "I'm Drew."
"I'm Ash."
"I'm Clemont."
"I'm Gary."
" *Grunt* "

"What's your name?" I asked  the purple haired guy."It can't be a grunt!"
"How do you know? It could be anything."
"Wait, so your name's anything? I thought it was Paul!" Ash said, confused.
"No, it IS Paul." Paul replied.
"But you said it was Anything!" Ash cried.
"Sigh. You are so dumb!" Paul said.
"Stop. DON'T call ASH dumb!" Misty shouted, getting out her mallet. Paul gulped and eyed the mallet warily.

I tucked into my portion of pancakes. Mmmm. The pancake was warm, soft and slightly sweet. The drizzle of lemon juice was delicious on top. There were 4 toppings to choose from. I tried them all! There was: lemon juice, chocolate sauce, maple syrup and fresh, juicy berries! Everything was washed down with orange juice. Delish!

Looking around, I realised that most people were talking to each other. Misty is talking Ash, May is talking to Drew (well, slightly arguing), Serena was talking to Clemont and Leaf was talking to Gary. I noticed that Paul wasn't talking to anybody at all. "Hey, I'm Dawn!" I said cheerily. I recieved nothing. Not even a grunt! "Um? Hi? I'm Dawn!" I said again. No reply. "I'm Dawn!" Pause. "I SAID I'M D-"
"I heard you the first time." Came a monotoned answer.
"Well, why didn't you reply??" I questioned angrily.
"I didn't want to."
"You DIDN'T WANT TO?? Well, I DIDN'T WANT TO talk to YOU!" I retorted.
"Then don't."
"And I won't." I said. I got up to go and talk to Misty or someone else but tripped on my own feet.😓 "Agh!" I cried. Then someone caught me. It was Paul! The guy who 'didn't care'.

Later at the first lesson.

"Goodmorning class. I am your teacher for Coordinating! You might be wondering why you are here, if you don't want to be a coordinator. In your first year, you attend all classes. I am
Miss. Solidad, a Top Coordinator!" Miss. Solidad said. "However, you can call me Solidad. It's ok."
"Wait! You forgot to introduce me!" A voice shouted. A person with purple hair and a weird green cacturn outfit came over.
"Oh yes, this is just Harley, the teaching assistant."
"Just?" Harley screamed, "Just?"

"So, being a contest coordinator means that you show off your pokemons power, beauty, elegance, skill and so on in battle." Solidad continued.
"Battles?" Ash shouted.
"Shhh." Misty said, "Don't interrupt!"
"Yes battles! Even in contests, there are battles." Solidad said. "Now, would you like to see a contest performance?"
"Yes!" Everyone shouted.

Solidad went to the front, her pink hair shone in the sun and she spun and threw a pokeball. "Go, Pidgeot! Use feather dance!" Feather dance made pidgeot dissapear in a cloud of dust. The feathers swirled around like rainbows in the midst of the dust. "Use double team!"
Double team made many pidgeots appear and swirl out of the mist. "Arial ace!"
The pidgeots zoomed into the dust with a flash of light and made the mist swirl around, then disappear in a shower of sparkles and feathers.

Everyone clapped. "Thank you!  Now, please pair up with a partner and work on a performance together! We will show them next lesson."
"Hey Misty!" I shouted, "Let's be a  pair!"
"Ok!" She replied. May and Serena paired up, Leaf with Yellow, Ash and Gary, Paul and Clamont, Drew and Zoey.

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