Chapter 27: New Year! (almost)

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Hi again! Sorry for not updating for a while😓.

Ash's P.O.V.

After breakfast, we heard a knock on the door. We were in the girls' dorm. I was playing with Pikachu, Magby and Eevee with Misty.

Dawn ran over to get the door. Standing outside was a boy with spiky brown hair and a fun smile.
"Hiya DeeDee!" He laughed.
"KENNY DON'T CALL ME DEEDEE!!!" She screamed. "But hi Kenny."
Woah. I've never seen her so annoyed before. It's kinda funny though!

Then I realised that there were 2 other boys standing next to Kenny. 1 had bright yellow hair and a green scarf around his neck.
"Hi Dawn!" He said.
"Hey Barry." Dawn replied.

The other guy had brown hair and a white and green beanieish hat thing. He peered into the room.
"Brendan!" May shouted and walked over.
"Hi May!" Brendan said.
"Guys, this is my cousin! Brendan Birch!" May introduced.
"This is my best friend Kenny and my other friend Barry!" Dawn said.

After introducing everyone

"So, we were wondering if you would want to come to the picnic tomorrow that the whole rest of our class is coming to!" Kenny said.
"Wow!" Dawn said.
"Cool!" May cried.
"You are all meant to bring food to share and picnic blankets and it's at noon." Brendan said.
"Also, you'd better not be late or I'M FINING YOU A MILLION POKÉDOLLARS!!!" Barry screamed.
Gees, calm down already.

"Awesome!" Misty said. "I'll make the food! And I'll need some helpers!"
"Me!" Leaf shouted.
"Me!" Gary shouted, mimicing Leaf.
"Ok!" Misty cried. "Ash, you can taste test the food!"
"Yesss!" I screamed.
"And me!" May shouted.

Later, Misty and Leaf went out shopping for ingredients to make an array of awesomely delicious food for tomorrow's picnic. I CAN'T WAIT TO TASTE TEST THE FOOD!!!

"Hey Ashy boy!" Gary called.
"Yeah?" I said
"Come on! Drew, Paul, Clemont and me are going with Brendan, Barry and Kenny to see if.anyone else is coming. Wanna come?" He asked.
"Sure!" I cried.

We knocked a few doors. In each of them, we said the same thing. Over and over again. It was getting kinda boring to be honest. I just stood there as Kenny, Brendan and Barry talked.

"Ughhh."  I groaned.
"Are you as bored as me?" Gary asked, leaning on the corridor wall.
"Yeahh. Probably more." I said.
"Wait, I know!" Gary cried, standing upright. "We'll go find Misty and Leafy at the supermarkets!"
"SUPERMARKETS HAVE FOOD!" I shouted. "Let's go!"

We went off to the city centre where all the shops were after Gary told Kenny that we were leaving.
"Hmmm. Which supermarket are they in?!" Gary exclaimed.
I took out my phone and called Misty. Gary called Leaf.

"Hello?" Mist asked through the phone.
"Hey Mist, it's Ash. Which shop are you and Leaf in?" I said.
"We're in the 'Kanto Kusine' shop with a built in restaurant!" Misty cried.
"Cool! Meet you there!" I said and quit the call.

Me and Gary raced each other to the shop. Gary won.
"Ha ha ha. I won. You lost. Ya ya ya. I won. You lost. Gary is a winner, Ash is a loser. Ash is a loser! Ash is a loser! Ash is a LOSER!!!" Gary sang/screamed in my ear.
"Gary, stop trying to kill eardrums." I groaned.
"The only way I'm going to kill off your eardrums is because my voice is too awesome!" Gary cried.
"Too awesomely bad you mean." I said.
"Excuse me?!" Gary shouted.

At the shop/restaurant, we saw Misty and Leaf carrying 2 bags of food each.
"Hey Ash! We've got all the ingredients we need!" Misty cried.
"Guess what!" Gary said.
"What." Leaf said.
"I AM A WINNER!" Gary shouted.
"What. The only thing you could win is a 'most annoying' contest." Leaf laughed.
"That's not true!" Gary said, "I beat Ash in a race! And I can win more things then just that!"
"Oh yeah! I forgot." Leaf laughed. "You can win the competition of 'Best Loser of All Losers'!"
Gary scowled.

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