With every onesie I folded and put away, with every small shirt and each pair of trousers, my heart would squirm with warmth and excitement, a desire that I could not quite place even though I knew exactly what it was. The desire to hold my baby. To cuddle him and rock him and dress him in all the adorable little clothes we had gotten. That would have to wait another month though. No. Wait. Less than a month. I swallowed and looked down at my fingers, counting them as a first grader in math class. It was April twelfth, we were going in for a c-section on the ninth of May. That was twenty-seven days away. Suddenly my world swayed as if a wave had rocked the floor. Vertigo crept into my senses, corrupting my balance and I stumbled backwards, straight into Kennedy where he was hunched over the Ikea crib. The rug was pulled beneath my feet, not literally speaking but that is what it felt like when I fell over Kennedy. Surprisingly, he caught me, if you could call it catching that is. He sprung to his feet and caught me as if it was a trust fall before he himself lost his balance and crashed against the wall. He wasn't strong enough to lift me anyway but in my lightheaded daze, I appreciated the gesture.

"Micah?!" He yelped, fanning my face with the instruction manual for the crib. "Micah, talk to me!"

Heavy footsteps rushed through the door, Jayden. He rushed to my side, helping Kennedy lift me off of him and move me to the couch. I felt as if I was floating. Only my head was there, filled with static and electric waves of pulsating blood, the rest of my body felt physically disconnected. Twenty-seven days. Less than a month. Where did all my time go? Where did my days go? Why couldn't I seem to recall many of the days that had passed? Had they been so boring that I forgot about them or had I shut out the passing time? Memories of my parents flooded my mind, embracing me where I was floating around in the nervous darkness.

"Hey!" Jayden snapped at me, holding onto my face with one hand, fingers pressed against my cheeks. "Come back to us, Micah..."

I didn't want to. Floating was nice, dreaming was nice. Smith was kicking anxiously, making me uncomfortable. I opened my eyes and glared at the worried faces above me. They were pale as ghosts, Kennedy holding his phone to his ear, talking to someone as he stared at me with a worried expression.

"Hey..." Jayden sighed in relief as I looked at him. "You alright?"

"He's awake now..." Kennedy said to the unknown person on the phone. "Micah, do you feel nauseous?"

It took me a second to register the question before I shook my head.

"Do you have any difficulty breathing?" Kennedy continued.

"No..." I mumbled.

"Chest pains?"


"Do you have any trouble seeing clearly?"


As Kennedy repeated my answers in the phone I attempted to sit up only to have myself pushed back down by Jayden. I was about to protest when I looked up at his tense face, worried and pale as if he thought I had been dying. My heart dropped at the sight. I didn't mean to faint, the thought of having a c-section, being cut open, in less than a month was what triggered the shock. Fuck, we were having a baby, how could they not be as freaked out as I was? Maybe they were but didn't show it, how should I know? We were bringing a living, breathing human into the world. A human that a few months ago was a small bundle of cells in the shape of a shrimp. My shrimp. A human shrimp that would soon be living in our house with us. That was fucking scary. The thought of being a parent was fucking scary.

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