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318,229 likes | 14,175 comments
idubbbz My girlfriend takes pretty shitty photos


after their lunch on the beach, they went on a small walk around it. their hands intertwined and the summer sun rays scorching their skin. "italy never gets this hot in the summer," violet complained as she rolled her shirt up higher than it already was. "it's only in the 70's at most."

"well, you have your swimsuit on under that." ian adjusted his glasses and glanced down to the shorter girl. she nodded and shrugged. "what?"

"well, you're wearing your swimsuit too i guess. but where do i put my clothes?" ian opened the cooler to show the empty space. "ok, fine." she began to strip down to her one piece swimsuit that had a diamond shape cut out in the middle. it was a plain black, but she loved it. ian set down the blanket they had and placed the cooler down, as well as his shirt.

"you ok now?" she nodded and put her hair in a low pony. "good," he grinned and set his glasses down onto the blanket. his arms wrapped around violet and picked her up, running toward the ocean while she struggled to free herself.

"oh my god," she screamed as ian set her down gently when she was expecting to be thrown into the water. she panted from the shock she thought she would experience.

"i wouldn't do that, even though i really fucking wanted to." ian chuckled and threw himself into the water without a warning. violet's heart stopped for a moment until she became aware of how early they were in the ocean. "vi, you're ok, i'm right here if anything happens," he reassured her even though he was getting irritated with her fright. the girl stepped toward him and felt the cold water wrap around her ankles and attempt to pull her down.

she reached for ian as he sat up, his bright blue swimming trunks soaked with salt water. he took the girls hand and helped her come farther into the water. "oh," she sighed. "it's not... horrible." ian laughed and gazed down to her. "don't do anything stupid ian, i will be so pissed."

"i wasn't planning on it... anymore." violet pulled her hand away and watched his expression change drastically. she smirked and began to run to the left, away from ian. she laughed as she saw his smile. "shit, i don't have my glasses!" he grabbed them, then immediately chased after her, his speed gaining on hers.

"ah!" she laughed loudly when ian finally caught her, his arms wrapping fully around her as he carried her out to where she was the least comfortable. falling backward, violet repeated his name in shock, scared of the ocean that would consume her. however, as she fell, her head didn't even go under, and neither did ian's. "jesus," she wheezed and stood up, pulling ian with her.


after their date at the beach, they ventured back to ian's house. currently, they were sitting on the couch, violet sitting in between his legs as he leaned against the arm of the couch. "aw, look at this one," violet suggests and shows ian the cat that was white with black spots. "he's so cute."

"you don't want a kitten?" ian asked as he played with the girls hair that was slightly more brown than normal. she shook her head and liked the photo.

"no, i think getting an older cat is more important. they might now know what having a loving owner is like..." her eyes swelled with tears at the thought of those poor old cats that nobody wants. "poor kitties," she frowned.

"you're so sensitive," ian points out with a little chuckle at the end. she looked back to him as best as she could, her neck cracking loudly. "what?"

"is it bad that i'm sensitive?" ian shook his head to her question.

"no, no." he kissed her cheek the best he could and saw her smile. "what would you name him? can you rename them?" violet returned to the photos of the black and white cat.

"uh, well his name is maximus, i don't know. reminds me of max." ian looked closer at the image and saw the name. "i'd probably keep it because that's what he's been called all his life."

"yeah, of course." he wrapped his arms around her torso and pulled her closer to him, the strong smell of salt water stinging his nose. "i had fun today."

"me too," violet beamed. though violet hasn't dated too many people in america, ian was by far the best. they've only been dating for a week, but their whole friendship just felt so much like they were already a couple.

"my name is ian, i like to pee-en," ian began to sing some weird song of his own as he scrolled through social media. "i got a big penis and my bitch got scoliosis- wait."

"that didn't even rhym, ian." they shared a laugh before violet got off of the couch, and away from ian. "i'm tired," she says and scratched up and down her arm.

"ok, go uh... lay in my bed i have to make a quick call, ok?" she nods and walks down the hallway until she was met with ian's bedroom.

meanwhile, ian called max. "hey cunt," max answers the phone.

"hey, when are you coming down?" max sighed over the phone and shrugged his shoulders. "are you still... like uh... visiting?"

"yeah, chad and i are still working out dates. but uh... yeah." ian nodded and paused to ask another question. "you good?" max inquired at the long pause.

"oh yeah, i just need to tell you something before you come down." max hummed to show he was listening to what his friend was saying. "violet and i are officially dating now... and i just wanted to make it clear, that nothing like last time is going to happen again." max was slightly shocked over how straight ian was being, but he understood why he would be. "if that happens again- and i know it isn't just your fault - i will not fuck around with you anymore." max and ian have been friends forever, so when he said this it hurt the both of them.

"what about violet?"

"same both ways. no homo max, like, i love you man, as family. but what happened was fucked. you knew i liked her, i know you did... and does kat know?" max sighed harshly and shook his head. "i didn't think so."

"i'm sorry ian, i fucked up, i know. i thought we were cool now?"

"we are, i'm just giving you a heads up so you don't expect... head." ian chuckled and so did max. "anyway, keep me updated with your plan, faggot. i'll talk to you later."

"okay, bye." max hung up first and looked over to kat as she scrolled through social media. of course max felt a little threatened by the news ian said, but he wouldn't try anything like that again without him saying that. violet still had a little piece of max's heart, but as a friend. when she gave him head it wasn't even an act of 'oh i want to date you' it was more of a pleasure thing. only that.

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