venting our thoughts

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25,869 likes | 1,147  comments thatgirlviolet my fav sk8r bois

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25,869 likes | 1,147 comments
thatgirlviolet my fav sk8r bois


staring down at her bright phone screen, violet felt her eyes brim with tears. people were so awful to her ever since she started to post about being friends with ian.

violet - can you come over pls

ian - Yeah
ian - Everything ok?

violet - please

there was no reasoning behind the hate or the jealousy when you sit behind a screen and perceive people the way you want to. violet's never done anything to hurt or upset anyone during her time in front of the camera or off, she didn't get it. "your front door was unlocked," ian says as he walked into the girls bedroom. she sat on her bed with her blankets piled around her as she drew circled into her silky bed cover. "what happened?" not knowing whether or not he could sit on her bed, he stood in front of her with his hands in the pockets of his black sweatpants.

"why do people not like me," she inquired, sniffing away the sadness that kept trying to sneak out from her. shrugging, ian finally passed through the awkwardness and sat beside her on the queen sized mattress. "i'm human too. i've never intentionally hurt anyone or said anything offensive to anyone..."

"i know," he sighed softly, taking the girls feelings as his own. most of the time people see ian as his usual self in youtube videos, but they never saw him when he had an outbreak of anger or had some type of hysterical meltdown.
"violet, i'm sorry i involved you in this shit, i knew something like this could happen... and i still made you do youtube shit with me."

"it's not your fault either ian. it's the people who have such closed minds that they'll never see someone for the face they where when they aren't doing youtube. they'll never see you as an actual good person to your friends, they'll never see you as someone who might cry a little every now and then... but most of all, they'll never see you, for you." a tear slid down her rosy cheek as she spoke, her feelings being so unclear.

"i wish i could take it back, vi. i don't want you to be hurt like this, especially after your bitch of a friend hurt you." ian paused for a moment and swallowed the saliva gathering in his mouth. "i'm sorry." violet sat up fully and lightly took ian's hand into her own pale hand.

"it's okay, ian. i'll always forgive you." their eyes connected for a moment, but violet looked away quickly. ian fought the urge to lean into her and make such an intimate move, little did he know, violet was hoping he would.

slowly, but surely, ian leaned in, never taking his eyes away from the girl's crimson face. gently, he pressed their lips together. the connection was short but sweet, and the feeling emanating in violet almost felt so surreal to her. to ian, this feeling was foreign, the feeling of natural, and pure bliss. "i-" the blonde was lost for words, her whole life she searched for this one feeling she thought she'd never find.

"i'm such an idiot, i'm sorry," ian mumbled and stood from the bed. "i..." violet crawled over the mound of blankets and stood to her feet. her hand placed itself on his shoulder in a sign of comfort.

"you're not an idiot, ian," she spoke softly. "i think we both just need to... watch a movie together." laughing, ian nodded and looked back to her living space. "we can watch hot rod?"

"sure, whatever you want, vi." she was quick to grab her pile of blankets and sprint out to the couch. the two sat on opposite cushions of the couch with their own blankets, and shared a bowl of popcorn. occasionally they'd share a laugh over the comedy, but nothing about it was really striking violet as fulfilling.

"ian," she spoke over the movie, titling her head over in his direction. the golden brown haired man looked over to her with slightly raised eyebrows. "can.. i..." stopping for a moment, she didn't see the harm of scooting closer to him, so she did. her body was directly beside his, their arms touching as she leaned on him.

knowing violet was shy in her best moments, he didn't say a word to her about the way she struggled to ask if she could simply sit beside him. underneath the blankets, ian searched for her hand, and when he found it, they immediately intertwined together. violet's rosy cheeks became more of a crimson from pure delight.

when the movie ended, violet still wasn't feeling as great as she was before she became public to the internet and somehow had her whole life displayed. healing came with time, not even the best potion could heal you everlasting. "do you want me to stay over? do you need me?" ian was becoming more protective over her feelings now that he was sure of his own. "i don't want you to be alone, vi."

"ian, i appreciate your sweet thinking... i'll be fine. your friend is visiting from australia, go visit with him. i'll always be here." nodding, ian stayed sitting on the couch with his eyes raised up to the ceiling.

"will you come to my house then?" it wasn't only the idea that she was hurt and alone, but more of he didn't want to leave her anyway, he wasn't ready. of course he liked being by himself some times, but he enjoyed life most when he was with his friends. celine, violet's pug, jumped up onto the couch and sat in between the two.

"are you sure? i'm not really in the mood for partying, ian." he shrugged and began to let celine with his free hand. "i'm fine."

"please call me if you need anything, or at least before you go to bed." the idea of ian being so worried and yearning to be with her was pleasing to violet, she knew that to ian, she meant something, she was worth something.

giving celine a final scratch on the back, ian stood and stretched his body out. "thank you," violet says and gazed up to her friend.

"bye, vi," he sighed before closing the door behind him.

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