dinner with the squad

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1,974 likes | 473 comments thatgirlviolet kinda in love with this <3

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1,974 likes | 473 comments
thatgirlviolet kinda in love with this <3


after another strenuous hour of sobbing and conversing, the ceremony finally adjourned. due to the lack of money the two siblings possessed, they couldn't have a reception afterward. instead, violet and corey were invited over to their aunt maria's for dinner later that night. of course, with ian there, violet had to ask if it was alright with him coming as well.

waking out from the church, ian glanced over to the blonde haired girl with admiration. she hasn't been through too much in her life, but when shit happened, she somehow handled it with care. violet turned to ian as he held her car door open, her mind twisting with a question. "hey, uh... do you want to come to dinner tonight?" merely confused, ian nodded his head.

"yeah, i'm staying at the same hotel as you, so..." she nodded and finally lowered herself into the car. "i'll see you there, vi."

as the three people got ready in their separate hotel rooms, violet redid her hair and changed into more comfortable clothing. "when are... uh... going back to america?" after a day of being surrounded by people speaking italian, and speaking it herself, she was unsure of some english words. ian cocked a brow as he pulled off his blazer. "sorry for bad english, not intentional."

"well i know that," he chuckled. "do you want me to leave soon?" it wasn't the fact that she wanted ian to go home, it was that she didn't want him seeing her in such a broken state. once she didn't answer, ian took it upon himself to speak again. "i'm going tomorrow. one because i have to get your lil pup back from anisa, then i have to do some work with a buddy of mine." violet nodded and pulled her curled hair up into a ponytail, though her hands shook to much to make it not so messy. angered, she sat onto ian's bed and crossed her arms. "why are you mad?"

"because i can't do anything right now. my hair won't go up." ian took the hair tie from violet's wrist and gently started to style her hair. a tear slipped down from her eye. looking into the mirror that hung across from her, the sight of ian struggling to get her hair up made a smile rise. "ian," she started. "it was really sweet of you to come here." turning around to face him, ian nods and gave her a side grin. "you're the reason i'm here."

"what's that supposed to.. uh mean?"

"you make me realize that alicia wasn't grateful for anything she had... it made me think of the people i had taken for granted, my father being one of them." she tightened the hold of her hair tie and stood from the bed. "i just... really appreciate you, homie," she cracked a smile. the blonde fought the urge to stand on her toes and peck his lips, but when he pulled her into an embrace, it almost felt more loving to just stay like this. "okay, get dressed, ian. we have to leave in ten minutes." she left for the door and twisted open the door handle. "can you drive?"

"sure," he laughed. violet went back to the hotel room she shared with her younger brother and couldn't cut the smile on her face.

"someone's a little too giddy on the day of her fathers funeral," corey scoffed and continued to add more gel in his hair. "seriously, what's up with you?" was it so wrong to want to feel happy on such a glum day?

"sorry, corey." even though she wanted to scold him for saying that, she knew it would ruin the evening. finally, when corey was finished getting ready, violet went to knock on ian's door to make sure he was ready, which of course he was. "oh, ian's going to drive," she says in italian to her brother, the confusion writing itself all over ian's face.

"okay," corey resounds in english. they made it out to their car and violet called shotgun before corey could. ian kept looking over to the girl in the front seat as he drove, but her focus was on her home town that she's been missing. it's been almost a decade since she's been home, and the image she had lodged in her head had changed drastically. "here's her house," corey says as he finished giving ian the directions. the grand white house that sat in front of them was gorgeous to the three.

"aunt maria's house is huge!" violet gasped as she slammed the car door shut. "when did she get it?" ian felt out of place as the two siblings drooled over their aunt's house. they all walked up to the front door and waited for someone to answer, and eventually, a shorter man in his early twenties opened the door. "elijah... oh my god!" violet hugged the boy and corey just chuckled to himself. elijah opened the door so everyone could come inside, his eyes catching on ian.

"sit, darling, foods almost ready." ian was surprised that her aunt spoke transparent english, when even violet struggles and she's been in america for a couple years. "oh, you must be ian, so pleased to meet you," maria bubbled and set down the plates of food onto the table.

"you two, mrs... uh-"

"chesko," she says. "but please, call me maria." ian felt as if he were meeting violet's parents, and for what it was, he technically could be. the older lady sat at the table once her husband came marching down the stairs. ian stood to shake the man's hand, a smile plastering over his face.

"hello mr. chesko, i'm ian." the man nodded with pleasure from the formal introduction. every boyfriend that elijah brought over never had the courtesy to greet him so respectfully.

"so, ian, what is it you do?" maria asked once she finished cutting into her meat. thinking for a moment, ian tried to think of the best way to put his work.

"you know youtube?" maria nodded. "i'm an entertainer on there." when he expected a dissatisfied reaction, he actually was gifted with one of excitement.

"oh really? elijah has been trying at it for a couple months now, we fully support him of course. i don't see why people can't do what they love." it definitely wasn't the reaction he was expecting, it was better. "do you have a lot of family in america?" swallowing harshly, ian looked to the aunt and uncle that sat across from him.

"uh... not too much, no." violet could sense the sadness in his voice and placed her hand on his. she didn't quite know what happened between his family, but now wasn't the time to pry.

"he's surrounded by friends though... i love that." ian knitted his eyebrows together at the odd comment. it almost made him worried to bring around another guy friend like max. "he's that type of person, someone everyone hates to love, or loves to hate. there's no in between," violet laughed.

for the rest of the night they talked since it's been a while from the last time they've been together. when they would talk about violet ian would crack a joke, earning a positive reaction each time. ian loved being apart of something that felt like a family.

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