smoothie boy

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idubbbz Wet cunt


something flew against the other side of violet's bedroom wall, her neighbor cussing straight after. she often wondered who or what her neighbor looked like, she's never seen him before since her hours out are limited. in her head she portrayed them to be a guy straight out from college, short hair or bald, striking blue eyes, and short.

meanwhile, ian woke abruptly due to the misplaced blender on the side of his bed ripping over and breaking more of the plastic holder. "shit," he sighed, staring at the sharp pieces of plastic that scattered around his stained carpet. without a second thought, he grabbed his phone and opened snapchat.

ian - Hi queen

violet - hi my favorite pornstar 😘

ian - Oh uh

violet - i'm kidding hi

ian - U workin today

violet - yeah but not until later
violet - i go see my brother on saturdays

ian - Oh sick homie I think I might come in to get myself a smooth E

violet - well i don't wanna see you >:(

ian - Well fuck u

violet - i kid i kid
violet - i'll be in around 3 o'clock

violet pulled over her apron and sighed while watching the new customer walk to the counter, saddened by it not being ian. she didn't know the man really, but she found him entertaining. "hi, what can i get you?" smiling, violet looked up to the taller guy, his green eyes narrowing as he stared up to the menu above her. dazed, violet watched him think. he was gorgeous in her eyes.

"just a mocha please," he says, shifting his eyes back down to her. the barista smiled, and put his order in. "my name's cameron." she typed his name into the system and gave him his total. "what's your name?"

"violet," she beamed, taking his money and putting it into the register. "i'll get that made for you." walking away, she couldn't erase the grin on her face. alicia saw the smirk on her coworker's face and giggled to herself as she cleaned the dishes in the back. "cameron," violet called out with a soft voice. calmly, cameron takes his hot cup and placed a sleeve onto it.

"thanks." he winked before going over to a wooden table near the window. shifting her eyes toward the door, another smile appeared on the rosy cheeked girl, this time one that was more genuine.

"ian," she sighed, relieved to finally see his face. "strawberry smoothie?" he ordered the same as yesterday, however he got a medium instead of a small. alicia began to make the smoothie so her favorite coworker could chat with her new found friend.

"when do you get off?" ian leaned over the counter with his torso, hands resting on top of the surface. checking her phone, violet shrugged. the coffee shop closed at 5:30 but she'd have to clean up too, as well as locking up.

"well i have to close up and clean up from today." she observed as ian scratched his neck, his eyes shifted up to the ceiling as he cocked a brow. "why?"

"well i have to go shopping for this video i'm doing and i wanted you to come too." the barista didn't feel completely comfortable with ian quite yet, but it all comes in time. "it's fine though." alicia listened as she walked up to the front counter, her hand placing on the back of her best friend.

"i'll do this for you once, no other time, unless you have something to offer me," alicia said. "i'll clean and close up, go be a teenager for once in your life, vi." nothing other than gratitude filled the bleach blonde when she heard her friends news. "what are you waiting for?" she took violet's apron and handed ian the smoothie she made.

"a jeep?" violet inquired as she stared at the gray box car. "it's cute," the barista beamed as ian opened up her car door for her. stomach full of butterflies, violet got into the car with worry.

alicia - stay safe just watched you get into his car

violet - i'll try i don't know him

alicia - you have your little pocket knife you're fine
alicia - keep your window rolled down even if he asks you not to
alicia - oh, and keep your location shared with me

violet - okay <3

"i'm will roll down the window." violet was timid to announce her actions, but ian didn't mind, he thought her broken english was cute. "so where are we going?"

"i don't know, walmart probably." stopping at a red light, ian shifted his eyes over to the girl in his car. he wondered how she felt right now, sitting in a stranger's car. "you good?" swiftly, her head turned toward the golden brown haired boy who was sitting in the driver's seat, a fresh smile gracing her lips.

"sure, just nervous. people make me nervous," she laughed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. he hummed in response, turning his attention back to the road once the light switched to green again. "so, wet cunt?" ian tried to mask his chuckle with using his left hand to cover his mouth. "funny, yeah?"

"you saw my instagram post?" the girl nodded ecstatically. "ah, did you like it?" she snorted, gazing over to ian as he did to her. "you did?"

"yes, you make me laugh. was it a sexual... uh... innuendo?" violet asked, leaning forward slightly. ian shook his head at her oblivious, fragile mind.

"mhm, yup." they pulled into the walmart parking lot, dozens of cars filling the close parking spaces. "my uh- my buddy who will be filming is meeting us here." the rosy cheeked girl nods as the car came to a stop where only one other car surrounded them, those butterflies fluttering around in her stomach again. however, when a girl walked out from her car, she became less worried. there was something more settling about the other friend being a woman than a man.

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