I just turned my back away from them, walking out of the kitchen and up the stairs into my room. My parents being here felt exactly like I was back in high school, where my life was constantly criticized and nagged at.

I hurried my way into the room, noticing Aria was still laying in the bed, this time with her head and body under the blanket. I placed the food and juice on the nightstand, as I sat back down on the bed next to her.

"Aria?" I called her softly, not wanting to startle her with my unexpected entrance. She didn't move out of the blanket, so I lightly pulled it back to realize she had fallen asleep.

A small smile made its way onto my face as I took in her peaceful slumber. A small smile was also on her face making me realize she was probably having a good dream. Whatever she was dreaming about, I hoped it gave her a little bit of an escape from everything she was going through.

The moment was cut short, however, when I heard yelling coming from downstairs, indicating that Aria's parents had arrived.


"Aria," someone said, but I didn't know who it was because my eyes were closed.

"Aria, did you hear me?" they said again, and this time I opened my eyes. It was Leo who called my name and he was wearing a full black tux.

"Leo? Why are you wearing a tux, where are we?" I asked him, looking around as I noticed we were behind a large red curtain. We were on a stage of some sort, with random people running around us.

"Aria, I asked if you wanted to dance?" he smiled at me, his hand outstretched in front of him. His hair was slicked back and he looked as handsome as always.

I looked down at my outfit, noticing that a white dress flowed down my legs and white heels hugged my feet. My ears were heavy with white, round earrings and my hair was done in a low, classic bun.

"Dance?" I asked him but still took his hand nonetheless.

The curtain began to rise and the crowd clapped. I noticed my parents in the crowd, along with Claire, Elena, Victoria, Justin, Damon, and Leo's parents. They were all dressed in black and they're bodies blended seamlessly into the audience around them that were also dressed in black. It seemed like I was the only one that stood out among them in my white dress.

"They're all here to see you dance Aria, you are the best after all," he grinned at me, and I felt a blush on my face.

I looked out at the faceless crowd again, "I can't dance in front of all these people, what if I mess up? What if the crowd boos me?"

"Why would they do that? They all love you, but remember that I love you more," he kissed my cheek.

I felt my confidence rise and I nodded, "Okay, let's dance."

My right hand and his left one held each other, while my other hand rested on Leo's shoulder and his held my waist. He pulled me closer to him, and the music began. It was light and airy, sounding beautiful when the orchestra played it.

We began to dance and I felt breathless as our bodies moved so perfectly with one another. I didn't know I could dance this well, and now I was doing it under the bright spotlight. A small laugh escaped my lips when Leo picked me up and twirled me.

"This is so much fun," I told him as we kept dancing.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Looks like the crowd is enjoying it too," he smirked and pointed towards the crowd who all had smiles on their faces.

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