Chapter 24:Searching

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Drawing above shows two more new introductions in this chapter. First time drawing them(outfits change will be explained soon)

Sprinkle's POV weeks later

"Come on!"A voice shouts into the night

Our hasty footsteps crunched into the snow.

"Quickly! Don't stop running, Sprinkle!"The voice says

I hold my head wound with one hand and his hand with the other.

"We'll be okay! But we need to keep moving!"Blueprint says

"Got it."I tell him

He has plenty of wounds on him.

He is running out of breath but pushing forward. Bone attacks and other things fire past us. I frown and keep moving. We cannot stop now.

Backtrack a little while. We come through the hole to a locked chamber. Days we were stuck there with nothing more than isolation and darkness. Then, a skeleton Blueprint identifies as Cipher comes in week after week, beating us and demanding info or deals. We did not give in. Cipher slipped up and one of his tools went flying, breaking the bars on the window. We noticed, but he did not. Once he left, Blueprint put me on his shoulders and I reached the ledge of the window. I peeked out and we were all clear. I help him up and then we hopped down the other side. Didn't take long for us to be discovered out of our isolation. From there, we've been running for days at a time, taking breaks only in hiding or at secret places that the owners lead us to for rest. Currently, we've been running for 9 days straight without this luxury of a break.

We reach a fork in the road and have to make a quick decision. Blueprint looks at me and frowns. He takes his scarf off and puts it on me instead. And Blueprint had already made it.

"Listen, Sprinkle. You're hurt worse than me, so I'll go left and keep them off your track. Don't stop running. Just keep going. Do not stop unless you found a safe place to rest. Keep running until you are safe or with everyone. And when you get back to everyone, make sure people don't do anything stupid. Like Raven, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid that puts him in danger. Now go!"He tells me, shoving me down the right trail

I look at him, not wanting to split up.

"Go! RUN!"He orders

But I can't argue with him either. I start running again, but I can hear him in the distance behind me.

"Hey, over here! Catch me if ya can idiots! You won't ever know what I know!"Blueprint yells

"Why you little!"Voices yell

It goes dead quiet. I have gone out of hearing range. Now I only hear my feet crunching the snow and the wind whistling with the occassional noise from an animal, like a cricket's chirp or an owl's hoot. I check behind me and find nobody following. Not even a trail. I keep moving, convincing myself that Blueprint will meet me somewhere somehow, maybe where these two trails reconnect. But the trails never reconnect. And suddenly, I hear a big booming noise. I look in the direction of it, which was where the left trail would be. I see smoke and dust fly up, forming something like the mushroom cloud you would see after an explosion, but smaller. I fear the worst. I try to think it wasn't Blueprint who became the victim of the explosion, but that's hard to do. A gust of wind blows from west to east now, creating a sad howl to be heard. Then two things hit me. Raven's scarf and a list of phone numbers. I don't know who the numbers belong to, but Blueprint did tell me he had it. And Raven DID give Blueprint part of his scarf as a bandage for his past wounds. And now this piece of scarf is covered in dust. It is still tied like it's wrapped around an arm. The dust is not on the outside part of the scarf, it was on the inside, where an arm would go. 

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