Chapter 54:Fears and Fairytales

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A few days later, Nightmare's POV

I had just tucked the kids into bed, but Ghastly and his brother begged for a bedtime story. Killer just went in to read one to them. I peeked in, seeing that Kills fell asleep. I check the doors and windows to make sure they are secure. Don't want incidents like what Blue and Dust dealt with to repeat. Then I start getting books off the bookshelf, reading each one.

I hear footsteps. I glance over but hear a sleepy voice before I could see who is there.

"Nighty....Why are you such a night owl?"Killer sleepily whines

I see him on the stairs, looking very drowsy and half-asleep.

"Eh, just some sort of routine or something. Something wrong?"I ask

"No...I want......snuggies."He says softly

I see one foot slip. I summon some tentacles, wrapping two around him before he fell or even realized he slipped. I pull him close to me. His face burned up and he looks at me with one eye hardly open.

"Huh?"He says sleepily

My face warms. He is adorable!

"You nearly slipped. Now, you say you want cuddles?"I say

He nods, hugging my tentacles around him tightly.

"Don't worry. I am not gonna let go of you."I say, softly feeling his head

He nuzzles his head against it. 

I set the book down, planning to finish it. But now I have snuggles to give. I kiss him on the head. I carry him up the stairs with him hugging my tentacles. We curl up in bed, snuggling together. I get rid of my tentacles and slowly doze off once seeing a smile on his face.

That is, until there is a knock at the bedroom door. I open an eye and check the clock. 5:15 AM. Bad dreams are my bet.

"M-M-Mister Nightmare?"A voice squeaks from the other side

Ah, Radier.

Yes, Radier lives with us. I want to keep him safe after all and Ghastly looks up to Radier. Radier tries to protect him or his friends and be a serious, protective older sibling/ friend..From what I have seen. He doesn't seem to want to be considered family, though is unaware of this consideration. I can understand why....With the fate his parents faced of course. But he always comes to us when he has issues or even bad dreams.

"Come on in, kiddo!"I say

He opens the door and comes inside, shutting it behind him.

"Another bad dream?"I ask

He nods.

I extend my arms to him. He runs and hugs me, snuggling into my grip.

"Were they as bad as the last ones?"I ask

"Worse. Now it had my parents and Ghastly with Étolie. getting killed."He says

I pull him into bed, letting him get cozy again.

"Sleep with us. Everything will be ok."I assure him

"Can you promise me that you won't leave me too?"He asks

"I promise."I say, going to sleep

He hugs me tightly, dozing off.

This dream is different. I appear in a dark place with a table with two chairs under an unknown light source being the only thing in sight. I sit in one of the chairs. I could sense someone nearby.

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