Truth Always Comes Out...(Part 3)

Start from the beginning

Lissy- "I feel awful"

Grace- "We should get going"

Lissy- "Uggghhh....." I said as i slowly got myself up


Steve- "Goodmorning Lissy, Grace"

Lissy- Ugghhh...he's extremely loud today. "Morning" I replied I as I sat down at the table.

Grace- "Morning"

Danny- "Morning girls. Here monkey" I said giving her plate of pancakes.

Grace- "Thanks Dad"

Steve- "Are you okay"?

Lissy- "Yeah, why"

Steve- "You don't look too good"

Lissy- "Oh I'm fine. I'm just tired that's all"

Steve- I looked at Danny and looked at her. "Okay, we need to stop by the governor's place before we head to the palace this morning"

Grace- "How come"?

Danny- "He didn't say but called us and wanted to see us first thing this morning" I said then leaving the kitchen

Steve- "We need to get going girls in 10 minutes. So hurry up and finish your breakfast" I said then leaving the kitchen as well

Lissy- I nodded my head. Man my head is pounding.

Grace- "Got it"


Grace- "The governor is going to tell them what happened"!

Lissy- "How do you know"

Grace- "Did you not hear what your Dad just said. The governor wants to have a meeting with them first thing this morning right after we snuck out. I don't think that's a coincidence"

Lissy- "Your overreacting Grace"

Grace- "Look we should just confess and get it over with before they find out from someone else"

Lissy- "Stop worrying Grace"

Grace- "Look if they find out from the governor. I'm gonna say I told you so"

Lissy- "Just promise me that you won't tell them"

Steve- "Girls let's go"! I yelled from the living room

Lissy- "Promise me" I said looking at her

Grace- "Fine....I won't"

Danny- "Girls"!

Lissy- "Coming"!

Grace- "Coming Danno"!

-Car Ride-

Grace- "I'm really nervous Allyssa" I whispered

Lissy- "About what"? I whispered back

Grace- "You know what Allyssa"

Lissy- "Just chill Grace. They are gonna suspect that we did something"

Grace- "Which we did. Remember"?

Lissy- "Just be quiet Grace"

Grace- "Why can't we got out and tell them what we did"?

Lissy- "Because we will be in trouble"

Grace- "We will be in more trouble if they find out from someone else"

Lissy- "You promised me that you wouldn't tell remember"?

Grace- "I'm just worried"

Lissy- "What are the odds of the governor knowing"?

Grace- "Oh I don't know. A lot"?

Lissy- "You're overthinking this"

Grace- "No I'm not"

Lissy- "So what if they find out"?

Grace- "We be grounded until we're 30"

Lissy- "Highly doubt that"

Steve- "What are you girls talking about"?

Lissy- "Nothing Dad, right Grace"?

Grace- "Yeah nothing Uncle Steve"

Steve- I looked back again and see Lissy giving Grace signs. I had a feeling that something was wrong but I decided not to say anything.

Grace- I scrolled through the Instagram when I saw a video of Lissy skinny dipping. "Lissy you should see this video that its cute"

Lissy- I saw the video of me skinny dipping. I'm dead if my Dad sees that video. "Who posted that"?

Grace- "Kate"

Lissy- "Of course Kate"

Grace- "And its going viral"

Lissy- "The governor is bound to see it and show it to my Dad"

Grace- "Now can we confess"?

Lissy- "No"

Grace- "You just said that your Dad could find out this. Then he is going to ask about it"

Lissy- "I didn't say that. I said maybe"

Grace- "No you didnt Lissy"

Lissy- I was about to respond when we arrived at the governor place. Not where he lives but his office. We got out and walked towards the governor place.

Grace- "Tell him"! I whispered

Lissy- I ignored her

Grace- "Lissy just tell him"!

Lissy- Again I ignored her

-Governor Mansion-

-Governor Mansion-

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Secretary- "He will see you in a few minutes Mr. McGarrett and Mr. Williams"

Steve- "Thank you"

Danny- I nodded my head

Steve- We sat down on the chairs in the lobby area. "When we go talk to the governor. You two are to sit here and wait for us. Is that clear"?

Grace- "Yes Uncle Steve"

Lissy- "Got it Dad"

Grace- "Tell him" I whispered to her when our Dads wasn't looking at us

Secretary- "He will see you now"

Steve- Both Danny and I stood up

Lissy- "Dad before you go in"

Steve- "What is it Lissy"?

Lissy- "I......uhhhhh" I looked at Grace and she made motions for me to continue.

Steve- "Lissy what is it"?

Lissy- "Ummmmm.....have a good meeting"

Steve- "Thank you Lissy" Looking at her weirdly. Danny and I then walk into the governor office.

Will Lissy and Grace stay where they are supposed to stay??

Or will they go off???

Comment below your thoughts......

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