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POV is Restraints Varian still.

My lady eagerly replied, "Yes! Yes! Yes"

A huge weight was lifted from me. Oh thank goodness she said yes. Wait, what do I do now? Um error. 404.

Error .

Varian has broken.

His lady broke him.

I think I fainted.

Next thing I knew I was on the ground and my lady was over me.

My Y/n asked, "Varian! Are you okay?"

My lady was wearing the ring. I wondered where the box went.

I answered, "Yes, I'm fine"

My lady helped me up, "I love you"

"I love you too"

I pulled her into a kiss. My arms wrapped around her. Subconsciously I started to unzip the dress.

Tower Varian came out of the bushes, "No! No! No! I'm out of here"

He left the gardens. The other versions of me followed and so did Eugene. I could swear I saw the royal alchemist eyeing my lady.

I'll spare the details of what we did that night but we did not do anything in the gardens. We went back to our room and hung out. ;)



I was pretty sure now the engaged couple was off doing the old devil's tango. They had a problem. I was glad the walls were thick and that their room was not right next to mine.

God I couldn't imagine doing that with Y/n or anyone to be honest.

I was getting ready for bed in the room and the other me, New Saporia Varian, was in the bathroom. I think I overheard him repeating Y/n over and over.

I knocked on the bathroom door, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just practicing" He responded.

"Practicing what? Confessing your love for Y/n?" I joked.

"I uh. No!" exclaimed the other me.

"Well hurry up! I need to pee"

"Do you have a pen?"

"No, go to sleep"

"Should I go find one?"

"No, you look ridiculous with a fake goatee"

I should not have said that. He was offended. I should've known. He didn't talk to me for the rest of night. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

The next morning we all met for breakfast. I noticed Restraints Y/n had a mark on her neck. She wasn't trying to hide it but Restraints Varian did by messing with her hair and covering it with his arms. No one said anything about it. No doubt the younger versions of ourselves did not know what it was. Well at least the younger versions of me.

New Saporia Varian asked the girls, "So we did our part, what's holding you guys back?"

My Love Y/n answered, "Ours just needs a little more time. It's a bit more complicated than I'm guessing yours was"

The Y/n I know stated, "I'm going to take a wild guess and say your part was the proposal"

"How did you know?" asked Restraints Varian.

"I'm smart, that's how"

She was pretty smart. She used to be a royal alchemist. Well technically royal apprentice alchemist. She could be so much more than a lady in waiting.

Tower Varian asked, "Then what are you guys working on?"

"Can't say. If you tell someone your wish, it won't come true" responded My Y/n.

A silly superstition in my opinion but to each their own I guess. But if they wouldn't tell us what they were doing, we couldn't help. So naturally the other versions of me and I went to the Demanitus chamber and decided to experiment. It may have blown up.

I asked, "What do you think the girls are trying to do?"

Restraints Varian replied, "I have an idea. My lady didn't tell me the wish exactly but she did tell me a few things"

"What is it?"

"Can't say"

"Why not?"

"Because it involves you"

Me? What could it be? What on earth could her wish have been? Maybe it was... Nah, it couldn't. She's not that desperate. She may not have noticed but back home, there were a few guys who liked her.

I told them, "You know we should probably clean up this mess"

My Love Varian said , "I think you're right"

"You're just saying that because it's your lab" remarked Tower Varian.

New Saporia Varian announced, lYou guys clean up, I'm going"

I told him, "No! You're not leaving dude. You made the mess, you help clean it up"


New Saporia Varian bolted out of there. I tried to go after him but the other three stopped me. They said to just let him go. It wasn't worth it. I wondered why he left.

We cleaned up the gooey mess we made and decided that was enough experiments for today.

Restraint Varian spoke up, "I have an idea"

"That can't be good" commented Tower Varian.

"Let's play truth or dare"

That could be fun. They're all me but at the same time, they're not me. They've all experienced so many different things. They love other people. By that I mean I'm pretty sure they all love Y/n.

Restraints Varian said, "I'll go first. Royal Alchemist, truth or dare?

I made a choice, "Truth"

"What do you think of the Y/n you know?"


I ran. After our plan worked last night, I figured I should tell her. I tried rehearsing what I should say last night but nothing seemed right.

I didn't know where they were so it took about fifteen minutes for me to find them. The girls were in Y/n's room. I should've looked there first.

New Saporia Y/n asked, "Varian! What are you doing?"

I asked her, "Can I talk to you in private?"

She looked to other versions of herself and My Love Y/n nodded. She got up and we walked out to the hall.

She asked me, "So what did you want to talk about?"

I stuttered, "I um er"

How to word this? God, why was I freaking out so much? Why did this have to be so hard?

Actions speak louder than words.

I kissed her...

She stated, "Wow. That was awesome"

She pulled my shirt and we kissed again. I hoped I was a good kisser. I think I was. She seemed to like it.

"I should probably go back" she said.

I told her, "Yeah so should I. The guys probably aren't too happy that I left them to clean the lab"

She kissed me on the check before leaving. I just kind of stood there speechless for a few minutes before joining the guys for a game of truth or dare.

A/N: I hope all the POV switches weren't confusing. I've been busy actually spending time with my family in this quarantine so that's why I haven't posted in like five days. Also I just keep binge watching shows instead of writing.

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